Chapter 4

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Bleary eyed, I glance up from the book to take a look at the time. When the numbers on the clock blink back 3:10 am, I shut the cover of the novel in surprise.

My first thought is: I didn't realise how late it was getting. And my next: I've been reading for 5 hours straight?

I haven't picked up a book since high school yet I devoured this in one sitting? Still surprised with myself, I gaze back down at the cover of Ruthless King, Milo's most popular book. The cover adorns a gorgeous, shirtless, man with striking eyes and sharp features, a gold crown sitting crooked on his dark head of hair.

The novel is about the forbidden romance between a heartless king and the fiery assassin who is set out to kill him. This book is the ultimate, don't judge a book by its cover; yes it's steamier than I anticipated (not that I particularly mind anyway) but the smut doesn't overwhelm the plot and neither does the lust overpower the emotional connection between the two characters. The protagonists, Alexander and Meredith, have insane chemistry in all its forms and I am loving reading about their interactions.

I slide up against my headboard, massaging my fingers into the kink in my neck from reading in a weird position before propping back open the novel and falling back into the story. I'm at the part in the novel where it is revealed to Alexander and his government that Meredith is not who she says she is and is imprisoned for treason. The tension in the story is at its peak and my heart hammers against my chest as I wait to see what is going to happen next.

By the time I have completed the novel and have finished staring at the ceiling processing the story, my vision is blurred and it's nearing 5am.

I place the book on the bedside table and replace it with my phone to send off a series of excited texts to Milo. I don't expect him to reply seeing as it's literally 5am so I'm thoroughly surprised when barely a minute later my phone pings with a notification.

I ask him: Why are you awake??

Milo: I was writing. He attaches a picture of him with his laptop, shirtless, dark hair mused and dorky glasses sitting on his face. Before I can reply he texts: Why are YOU awake?

Me: I was reading your book, you know, the one I just sent a gazillion texts about...

Milo: I still can't believe you finished it so fast

Me: Did you forget we have a bet I'm determined to win?

Milo: Ah, and here I was thinking my book was so good you just couldn't put it down

Me: That too

Me: You know this is ⅓ of the challenge complete, I am so gonna win :D

The text bubbles appear for a moment and then disappear before my phone begins to ring.

"You're cute for thinking you're going to win the challenge," Milo says teasingly, once the line connects. His voice is all smooth and deep; it doesn't fail to bring a swarm of butterflies to my belly.

"I might just start a second book now and finish that today just to prove your point." I reply stubbornly.

There's a rumble of quiet laughter and then: "Go to sleep Luna. Don't you have work tomorrow?"

"My shift starts at 4pm so I can sleep in until 3pm if I wanted to."

"Don't do that," Milo says quickly, "I want to see you for lunch."

"You want lunch?" I repeat slightly shocked. "With me?"

"You sound surprised." I hear the humour in his voice and then rustling on the line like he's shifting positions. At the sound, I'm filled with the image of a shirtless Milo getting all cosy in bed and I'm grateful that we're only on call so that he can't see me being flustered at the thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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