Chapter 3

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Angelina's pov:
Here im sitting then, in a police station waiting to see if I have any relatives that would like to take me in. I always thought that if I ever ended up in a police station it would be for defending another person or something, but here I am waiting on someone to take me in. Imagine if they found my dad,and he would take me in, I would be so mad at that asshole. I mean just imagine your own father didn't want you because of your gender. It sounds dumb i know but my mom always told me that he wanted a son so after I was born he got mad and divorced her. You would think my mother would blame me but, no she doesn't, she blames my dad for everything, I remember when I found out for the first time I cried for hours and she stayed there with me comforting. You know it's hard growing up without a father figure around I mean at school we had take your parent with you to school day and everyone's father came except mine normally my mom would've came but she got beeped in for work,she was a nurse,so I was there alone the only one without her parent there.
I was so lost in thought that I didn't realise when the social worker and the officer walked in. They sat over me and the social worker started talking "hey sweetie my name is missy and I'm going to help you find a good home don't worry sweetheart.". 'She seems nice' we're the first things I thought and then we started. After they took my fingerprints and blood samples they told me 2 wait. Normally I would be scared but I got my "it start with us" (love the book don't like what the author did) and they gave me chocolate milk and cookies i mean it's almost Christmas. Anyways I waited here for about 3hours im lucky I had my phone and had downloaded a movie (falling for Christmas definitely a recommendation) and they are so nice they have free WiFi and it's surprisingly good. Anyways after the movie and some episodes of kuwtk missy finally came back with the officer and sat down in front of me. Missy looked me in the eyes and said "guess what sweetie we found your father. And he's-" I interrupted "WAIT WHAT!?!?!" She answered "yeah your father answered the phone when we called him and told him he was really excited to take you in." Wait he wants me?
~Father pov:~
I was in my office working on some Paperwork I might not be the don anymore but I still help my son out. While working I always drink it helps with the anger of the useless workers we have. I was signing some papers and my phone started ringing. "Hello?"
"Hello, good evening, am I speaking with Vincent ricci?"
"Yes, this is him."
"Helol sir I'm calling from from ACPD (Atlantic city police department) I'm calling because we have a tested evidence that we have your daughter Angelina smith in custody because we sadly have to announce that your ex wife Melanie smith sadly died today and your daughter Angelina smith is in need of a guardian so are you willing to be her guardian?"
"Look lady I don't have a daughter so I don't know what you're talking about."
"But sir we have dna proof that got submitted in her dna case that she is biologically your daughter."
( a dna case is something that your parents can make for you for if you ever go missing they have your parents dna and different ways to find you thru your dna by clothes, hairs, ...)
"Oke send it thru."
" Oke sir let me send it thru"
••°••10 minutes later••°••
I got a message send thru by the same number who called me. I opened it and there it was the dna test and a picture of a girl who looks alot like my oldest son...
I clicked on the dna test and she was right they did find my principessa (princess).My principessa that I never knew existed. My principessa that ik never saw grow up.I dropped my glass of whiskey (say what you want but daydrinkers are a vibe I mean it's night somewhere right). I called the officer back thru the number I got called on.
"ACPD how can I help you?"
"Hello it's Vincent Ricci I got a call earlier clarifying that you guys have my daughter in custody."
" Ah yes mr. Ricci yes we do now going back to the custody question are you willing to be the legal guardian to miss Angelina Sophia Ricci."
"Yes I want to. Send me the documents and location be there as soon as possible."
"Ofcourse sir have a good day sir we'll send them through as fast as we can."
Hey babes
Thanks for reading this I know this isn't the best but I hope you liked it let me know if there is something you want me to add

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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