chapter 2

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^^^^Listen to song above^^^^^
if you're sensitive to all or one I'll give you a trigger warning during the story so you can skip it
Isabella's pov:
I just finished school and am on my way home. I had an alright day at school i geuss I have this teacher her name is miss Johnson she is a real pain in the ass
To be honest. Like for the smallest thing she gets mad anyways, I just arrived home. I walked thru the door into the empty house I had an hour before the devil (aka:jack)gets I was watching some tv, keeping up with the kardashians, when I heard the doorbell go off . I first questioned myself on who it could be but when I opened the door I saw the person who I wished I didn't have to see.
Jack stood right in front of me and he smelled like alcohol.he was drunk and like not normal drunk but like bad drunk. I didn't want to let him in because of my own safety but he got mad.he yelled at me "let me in you piece of shit" and he pushed me aside and got in at this point I was scared I shouldn't have done that. He closed the door and came up to me "have you learned nothing huh you little bitch do I have to punish you again" and he pulled me by my hair onto the floor. He started kicking and punching me. My ribs started hurting a lot because for some reason that fucker has a problem with kicking me in my ribs.i tried protecting my ribs by covering them ,but he got mad.He yelled at me , " your never gonna learn are you, you need a worse punishment."then he pulled me on my knees and started unzipping his pants . Oh no i knew what he was about to do 'please someone help I said to myself'.
Then I heard the door open and saw my mom,thank god they probably let her get off work early,she stood there saw what was happening and run at him pushing him away.she pulled me to her and hugged me tight i was already bawling my eyes out at that moment.
Jack had got up and he was really mad.
He pulled a gun that he for some reason had and pointed it at mom.he started yelling again"you little piece of shit you think you can save your daughter but geuss what you can't wanna know why *laughs* because you're gonna be dead" my mom looked at him and said "babe what are you doing it's just the alcohol please put the gun down you don't know what you're doing" he looked at her and "you really think I'm gonna listen you let that mistake here wich is the whole reason this is happening your daughter is a fucking slut and she should die but hey I don't have a choice do I,then I heard a gun shot,after that everything went quiet I looked over to my mom and saw her laying there bleeding.
Jack came over to me and said" you're next little one look out" and then ran out.
I started screaming and ran to my mom. I held her wound to stop the bleeding. She looked at me and said" baby I know I'm not gonna come out here alive so I have to tell you something-" i cut her off " don't say that mom you're gonna be oke I promise". I called an ambulance and they asked me all the questions like hurry up my mom is fucking dying. My mom took my face in her hands pulled it towards her. " honey listen to me i know you're scared but please listen to me remember when I told you your dad left because he didn't want you I lied he did want you but I couldn't let you stay there it was to dangerous so I took you away, in my drawer next to my bed there are two note one for you and one for your dad please give it to him" she started getting unconscious "mom please hold on please I can't lose you mom noooo please hold on" then I heard the ambulance 'thank god they're re here' they came in and started doing cpr and all that stuff then they looked at each other and frowned a woman said "time of death 6:47pm" my heart dropped and then i felt someone hug me it was Mrs Parker our neighbour she must of heard the ambulance a police officer came and gave me a pity look then asked "hey honey I'm so sorry for your loss do you maybe know any family that can take you in?" I shook my head and he said "oke why dont you come with us to the police station and we'll see if we can find anyone in the system and I'll get a social worker on your case,oké honey" i nodded my head while crying and we went to the police car to go to the police station.

Hey bunnies I hope you guys are doing well and I hope you enjoyed this part of the story

Let me know what yall thought of this part and I hope you'll read the rest XXX

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