Chapter 5

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     Y/n POV:

      Today was the day I'm finally going to confess to Nightmare, we've known each other for long enough now and I'm pretty sure he feels the same way about me as I feel about him. He's kind and sweet, he's never judged me on my mannerisms, or on the way I look, or even what I was like everyone else has.. He's true and I've done the same for him. I've never judged him for him being the guardian of negativity and I never will judge him for that.

     I was walking through the village like any other day. I wanted to get Nightmare another book for my confession. No it's not a bribe, but I have noticed he's been re-reading the same books, so I assume, he needs a new one. I always take the back alleys to the library to avoid Claudia, she has been out of hand recently and no one is doing anything about it because of the fake face she LOVES to put on around adults and any higher authority. After I go to the library and get the special book, I start heading towards the hill.

"Hey, Freak!" Fuck, there she is, just when I had thought I'd avoided her. 

     I try to keep walking to avoid her but she quickly catches up and grabs me buy my hair.
"Hey! I'm talking to you! Where do you think you're going? Ignoring me to? Really? You'll pay for that" As she said that she yanked me to the ground by my hair and laughed as I hit my head on the floor.

"Claudia go away!" I shouted while trying to stand up.

"Why should I? I'm going to kill you like I'm going to kill that negativity freak you always hang out with"

     How did she know that? Has she been following me?

"How'd you know about that?!" I shot her a spiteful glare like I wanted to rip he head off. Which I did.

"A little friend in Yellow told me" Dream. She said that with a very malicious laugh and proceeded to kick me until I was coughing up blood.
     She left me alone and started walking towards the hill towards the tree.



Nightmare's POV

      I sat under the tree reading my favorite book. It was the thriller y/n gave me about a month and a half ago. I looked up at the sky and noticed she was later than usual.. I hope she's ok. I was lost in thought when I suddenly felt a pebble be thrown at me. "Ow" I grabbed my head where it hit and looked in the direction it came from. I saw a girl standing a few feet away from me laughing while tossing another pebble between her hands. 

"Aww what did I hurt you?" She has a lot of negativity in her. She's bad news. With that, she threw the other pebble at me and hit me square in the forehead.

    I just stared at her silent, not wanting to cause more problems. I saw Y/n limping up the hill, she was hurt...Very hurt. I look back at the girl who threw the pebbles not realizing she had been holding a knife until I saw the blade glint in the sun.

"Nightmare! Watch out!"

     As the girl went for the swing, y/n appeared in front of me, almost like she teleported? The knife hit her. She was down in seconds, she was hit in the throat.

"Y/N!" I shouted as tears streamed down my face hoping I could save her, hoping I could do something...nothing. The last words she spoke were "I love you... Nightmare, n-never... forget... that-" with that her soul shattered. It was the first time I saw her soul. It was a determination soul.

S h e ' l l.     B e.     B a c k

"I love you too y/n"

Years pass

     Years pass and the bullying continued much after y/n's death for Nightmare. Nightmare became more secluded than he ever was after his love was murdered. Y/n had a special place in his heart and he had vowed to find her again one way or another her soul was rare. It was a half determination, half void soul. Red and grey. 

     The bullying continued and Nightmare ate the apple

You know the story...

I Will Find You Again Y/n, I Promise...

I wrote this on my iPad in between 2 classes so I'm sorry if the format is different (I fixed the format)
No! This is not the end, I just needed to end the passive! Nm era bc it was dragginh

Anyways I wanna know what you guys named y/n, lmk! Byeeee!!

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