Chapter 9

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     I woke up to the sound of my alarm, sweat dripping down my face. I turned my alarm off and scanned my room for the one who calls himself 'Nightmare'. The room was normal, I was all alone again. I was off again today, so I decided to lay in bed and just scroll through my phone for a little before deciding to get up and actually be productive.

     I looked around my apartment and realized how much of a mess I'd let it get. There were cups pretty much everywhere and.. a shirt on.. the counter..? How- you know what, let's not question it. I picked up most of the mess and looked at the time. The clock read noon, so I decided to make lunch.

"Oh.. the fridge is empty. I guess it has been a while since I've bought any type of groceries."  I looked at my shopping list and noticed that it has grown significantly since I last looked at it. I put my shoes on and a hoodie and headed to the store.


      As I was walking down the street I got the feeling I was being watched again, but it was different. This feeling wasn't like the previous times, it wasn't a dark or dreary feeling, it was a positive one. How can the feeling of being watched be positive? Shouldn't I feel paranoid last the previous times? 

     I decided to shrug it off and just get to my destination. Once I got to the store I got what I needed and paid.

"Ok, and that'll be... $254 please." $254?!?!? I stared in shock, paid, then left. Damn it really had been a while since I've gotten groceries huh?

     As I turned to walk home I bumped into someone "Ah! I'm so sorry!!" I looked up to see who it was. In front of me stood a skeleton dressed in yellow and black, it also had yellow eye lights. His aura was pure positivity. 

"It's ok! It happens, here let me help you carry all those bags!" He looked at me with a kind smile on his face and held out his hand to grab a few bags.

    I contemplated it for a second and let him help me. 'He kinda looks like a bee' I thought to myself and quietly giggled at my own thought. Suddenly he turned to me and spoke.

"I'm Dream! What's your name?" He gave me a smile.

"uh.. y/n" I smiled back him, mainly just thankful to have someone help me with my bags.

"It's nice to meet you, y/n!" He emitted so much positivity, that it was slightly overwhelming. It wasn't a bad overwhelming though, it was just a strange feeling to me.

     We both got back to my apartment and he helped me bring my bags inside, I thanked him and he left.

"What a strange encounter" I thought aloud. I was met to the sound of someone clearing their throat behind me, I froze. There was no one in here when I entered a few minutes ago. Am I hearing things? 

      I turned around and saw a skeleton standing behind me. He wore a blue jacket with black shorts. His hood was up and was wearing a ripped up red scarf. His eye lights were purple, blue and red. All I could do was stare at him, I had so many questions, I wanted all of them answered, one being WHY I WAS MEETING SO MANY GOD DAMN SKELETONS IN THE SPAN OF A WEEK????

"boss sent me to check on you. I see Dream found you... He'll LOVE to hear about this." He had sarcasm in his voice, but before I could say anything he disappeared. I just stood there in silence, confused and scared. I really need to talk to the landlord about upping security.

     I put my groceries away and made dinner. I sat on the couch and put the tv on to my favorite show. 'bzz bzz' My phone vibrated and I looked down to see who had messaged me, it was Kurro.

"Hey girl! How's everything going since the other day?"

"Oh! It's going ok" I responded back, not really wanting to get into the details of these past few days.

"Well that's good! Im going out tonight wanna come with? it's gonna be me and Kai" I could tell she didn't wanna be alone with him since he likes her and is weird about it. She has absolutely no interest in him, nor anyone for that matter as she's aromantic.

"Yea! Let me get ready! Pick me up by 8?" she responded with agreement.

     I turned off the TV and got ready. she came to pick me up at like we agreed upon and went out on the city. 


Everything was going great, the three of us were having a lot of fun, just fucking around and acting like teenagers again, even though we were in our 20's. I bought us some drinks from a vendor in the city, which turned out to be a terrible idea. Kurro got really drunk and me and Kai had to stop her from harassing random people on the street.

"Kurro! You really need to chill girl, like damn you're such a light weight!" I joked with her while taking the bottle out of her hand. She protested and called me a thief in very slurred words. I handed her over to Kai for a second to go to the restroom.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna go find a bathroom. Kai, be good!" I gave him a scornful look before leaving the two alone.

     I somehow got lost. I really needed to pee. I was now lost lost, with no bathroom in sight. "Fuck it" I thought to myself. I found a lonely alley, made sure it was safe and went there. After I did my business, I started to walk around to see if I could find Kurro and Kai. 

     I caught the glimpse of a shadow in my peripheral vision. I started to walk faster, now scared for my safety. 

"KURRO? KAI?" I shouted out in a panic.

"It'll be over soon, no ones coming for you." That voice... This is the guy who was in my apartment before!

      I turned around only to be hit in the head with a blunt object, then everything went black.  

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