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1) Location

A: fertile soil on plains

B: Route to sea with Tiber river

C: Room to grow

2) Borrowed

A:Greek: alphabet, military techniques, literature, art and architecture

B:Etruscans: sanitation, roads, architecture, and pottery

3) Plebeian vs Patrician

A: Patricians wealthy and the only citizen that are allowed in office

B: Roman Laws worked against Plebeians

C: Plebeians rebelled against taxes and military work in order to gain equality

4) Results and Causes of Punic war

A: Rome considered Carthage a threat to allies in southern Italy

B: Rome was defeated

C: Rome attacked Carthage in spite of their defeat

5) Farmers after War

A: Hannibal's invasion ruined farmland

B: Farmers income dropped

C: Not enough money to rebuild

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