Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - Nicole
New People and Bakery's

I opened my closet, my eyes not even bothering to look at the clothes that my mom had bought me. My eyes traveled to the items that were worn out; color fading, holes appearing. Those were the clothes that I wore. Not short shorts, bandeau, revealing shirts or tight skirts. I cloud never wear things like that. No, I prefer t-shirts, jeans, mid-thigh shorts and crop tops at most.

So that's what I wore. I decided that I should just wear the red shirt I had on and pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans. I walked out of my room, making sure to close my door after, then walked down the stairs. I looked at the clock, 5:25. Almost time for work.

I tried staying clear of the kids, knowing that they would want to come. I loved taking them, but they were trouble makers. I sighed quietly, once I made it to the door. I slipped on my baby teal blue converse, tying up the light purple laces, and I was out the door.

The cool air of Winstinburge tickled the skin wasn't covered. Glad I broughtz a coat, I thought sarcastically, as I rubbed my hands up and down my arms. To late now, I thought bitterly. Thank god the bakery wasn't that far away.

I am a hungry person. Food is one of my best best friends. So, growing up, I always wanted to learn to make it. And I did. A few years ago, when I was 13, I decided that I wanted to work at a bakery. Usually, they didn't hire unless you were 14 or older, but apparently they were impressed with my "baking skills", as they called them. I was just happy I got the job. And now, I was working their for my fourth year.

I heard the bells of the front door ring, a few minutes later. Music filled my ears, as I walked to the back. I was soon pulled into a hug by my boss.

Okay, so I might have been lying when I said that j didn't really have any friends. I have Internet friends, Kail, my siblings (I guess) and Jen.

Jen was the boss of 'Make It Big Cafe'. It was a family business, started by her great grandfather. It had just been passed down, and after her parents grew old, Jen got it. Her parents still come in, every once and a while, and it's always a fun time. They aren't that old, in their late 50's actually.

Anyway, Jen was a kind person -unless you get her mad, of course. And you never want to be on the receiving end. Lucky, I didn't witness it first hand, I and just heard stories. Usually, she the sweetest souls you would ever meet.

Her long natural red hair and warm grey eyes just gave you a strange warm feeling.

"Hey Jen! How are you?" I greeted her, hugging back.

"Hello Nick. I'm doing marvelous, actually." She pulled away, showing me her tinted teeth. They weren't bright white, because of all the coffee she drinks, but they weren't yellow.

I looked into her stormy grey eyes, which were bright and joyful -more then usual. "What's got you so happy?" I laughed.

She dragged me into the kitchen, but not before she scanned the room. She was checking over the customers, as always. I grabbed one of my aprons, deciding on my black one for toady. I pulled my head threw the whole and looked at Jen, who was bouncing on her feet smiling. I wrapped the tie around my waist and to the front, before tying it into a bow.

"Okay, spit it out. What's got you all bouncing?" I questioned, leaning over the island counter.

"Well," she trailed off, for effect, before she continued. "I have a boyfriend." She clapped her had and but get lip.

My jaw dropped. I wasn't surprised, I mean, with her beauty (inside and out) I was shocked when she didn't have one. But, I didn't know she actually got one. And she wasn't old, in her mid twenties, but the news was so sudden.

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