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The first day is Crystal! Whooooo! Here is a list of ideas to help you think about the prompt.

Something about the Crystal in RQ! Magic properties, powers, what happened to the leaders after the crystal were destroyed, I don't know go wild!

Something for Assassin's Creed could be magical crystals or something Sabre needs to steal.

My story though is different...

Mc Trapped Au. This will end after where I completed my book "Glitched Fate"


I rode on horseback through the plains. I was going back home. Back to my hometown. I wanted to see my family and old friends again and tell them about all the adventures. Especially with Elan... it's been a while since I have seen him. It's hard for him to visit often so I like to spend as much time with him as he can. He always appears next to me whenever he comes back from his world, he always says hello to me with a kiss on the cheek.

I blushed at the thought as I continued to trial through the meadow on my white steed. While galloping through the field I found something peculiar. A light shone in my eyes. I stopped the horse and looked towards where the light was as saw something sparkling in the distance. I got off my horse and made my way to the shining object in the field. I found a crystal laying on the ground. It was black and green. Why would such a valuable object be laying in the middle of a field? I guess maybe it hasn't been found yet. I picked it up and rubbed some dirt off the crystal with my thumb. It felt very light for a stone that was a little bigger than my hand. I stared at this crystal unsure of what to do with it. Maybe I could-

Lighting started to strike around me. I panicked and looked around the area to see what may be causing this lighting to strike, but nothing. The sky was clear, no magical objects were around except the crystal I had in hand. The lighting continued to strike until it blinded me. I could hear my horse run off in panic from the noise before suddenly the ground beneath me was gone, but only for a second. I almost lost my footing and stumbled and found myself in an unfamiliar place. It looked like I was in some sort of home.

Lights were coming from above me with no smoke or fire. Many foreign objects lay around me. Things that were metal glowed. Objects were handed up and people were frozen on walls. What is this place? I looked at the crystal that was still in my hand and quickly put it in my bag. I walked around this room filled with so many things. I then heard a voice.

"And Cut! That's all we need for the recordings for today. Thanks for the hard work everyone!" I knew that voice! It was Elan! Is he here?! I went to the sound of his voice and found the only thing between us was a closed door. I slowly opened it.

"I'll get the editing done with Lucas later. I can't wait for this series to come out soon. I have lost a few people from how long this project is taking, but the wait will be worth it." Elan spoke and I saw him sitting in a chair. No one else was in the room and I have no idea who else he would be talking to now. He was wearing a strange hat and staring at a foreign metal object that glowed.

"Bye everyone we'll try to meet up soon!" Elan says as he suddenly makes the screen change color and shape. He went quiet and started to hum a tune. I called out to him.

"Elan?..." I asked him. He turned his head and looked at me.

"Oh, hey Ivy." He turns back to what he was looking at and then quickly turns back to me. "Wait, Ivy?!" He fell out of his seat trying to stand and I quickly helped him up.

"Do you know where we are? There are a lot of weird things here." I asked him.

"Ivy.. This is my world! You know the other one!" He tried to explain. I looked around.

"The crystal brought me here?" I asked him.

"What crystal?" He asked. I showed him the crystal and he held it in his hand. He staggered in pain and dropped it.

"It's been a while since I have felt that pain..." He stood upright and rubbed his head.

"I thought the pain was gone now?"

"It was, until just now. Where did you find this crystal?" He asked me.

"In a field. I was going back to my hometown and... found it. I rubbed some dirt off of it and suddenly I was here..."

"You aren't feeling any strong pains now are you?" He asked me and then stated to set something up in the room. A weird hat with weird gloves.

"No? I only just go here." I told him as he started to control the magical glowing metal machine as it suddenly turns a weird green color.

"Then we will have to test this to make sure it's safe for you. I want you to rub the crystal again to see if anything happens. I'll be back in that world hopefully around the same time you are." He tells me as he moves some weird black lines around the room. I held the crystal in my hand and once again rubbed it with my hand, but nothing. I sighed feeling tired from the whole ordeal.

"Anything?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"No last time it was just a lot of lighting... What was it like for you?" I asked him. He went up to me and hugged me. I slowly hug feeling more exhausted.

"It was like falling asleep but in a nightmarish way... I just passed out the first time but all the other times as the server loads I suddenly get tired and fall asleep while waiting..." He tells me.

"Strange, and coming back home?"

"Like waking up from a bad dream, just very quick and sudden..." His voice suddenly became far and quiet. I closed my eyes and woke up back in the green field. The crystal was still in hand. Maybe it did work when I rubbed it. Wait how will he know I went into this world?! I looked around for my horse to find it was farther into the meadow eating on some grass. I put it comfortably. Maybe that whole experience was just a dream.

"Ivy! Ivy are you here!" I heard Elan say. I looked and saw him not too far away from me. I waved to him and he ran over to me.

"I think it worked!"

"Yeah, but it was weird. You suddenly fell asleep and you were gone the moment I looked away from you. I got here as fast as I could."

"Kind of like when you disappear from here."

"I guess."

"Does this mean I can visit your world as you can mine?" I asked him.

"I think so! Geeze there is a lot I need to teach you..." I went over to him and kissed his cheek.

"Does this also mean we will be able to spend a lot more time together?" I asked him. It took him a while to respond.

"Yeah. All because you happened to find this crystal!" He smiles at me.


(Words 1196)

SabreTober (Inspirsed by Ally from her contest last year)Where stories live. Discover now