The Dragon and The Mermaid

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There was once a little dragon and a mermaid.
The dragon and the mermaid loved each other
very much. No one in the dark wood ever would have a love that shone as bright as theirs. As the days past their love only grew stronger. With smiles on their faces and love in their hearts things were sure to end up like happily ever after....or so they thought.
Little did they know that far away, at the tallest tower, in the darkest dungeon of the fae king's palace, lay an evil being. One known for the fall of many: Jodisius. Jodisius's dark heart was filled with nothing but hatred and lonesomeness. Once he heard of the two creatures' beautiful love, he instantly grew vengeful and jealous. He decided then and there he would destroy their happiness to make up for his lack thereof. And so, with the greatest of brute force and the most terrifying roar, he bounded forth to their sleepy little cove on the edge of the wood and sea.
Skies turned gray and Trees rustled in warning of the danger yet to come. The dragon with his mighty senses could tell these signs from a mile a way and prepared to scout for the danger. Going over the emergency cases with the mermaid, telling her to stay in the cove and not let anyone in, for anything could come of these troubling times. With preparation done, and the mermaid safely hidden in her water cave beneath the cove, the dragon set forth to search for whatever danger that seemed to be lurking. Little did he know, the lurking danger was already here.
A thunderstorm struck without warning. Rain pounding on the dragon's back as he flew. The storm became almost too thick to continue, but with perseverance and might, he continued on.
As the dragon flew on, past rolling clouds and roaring thunder, the troll stealthily krept toward the dear cove that the mermaid and dragon called home. With an evil smirk and a mischievous gleam in his eye, the evil troll hatched a plan.
Soon, he stomped to the entrance and while using his dark power, mimicked the dragon's voice. "Oh dearest mermaid, Tis I, dear dragon. Come forth and open the door for me!" he called, with a sinister grin. Relieved her lover was home safe, Mermaid fled to the door and opened it with a shriek! Far away, on the mountain tops, dragon laid searching. Suddenly his magic senses heard his fair mermaid's shriek rip through the winds. With a rumbling roar, the dragon took off, faster than lightning to his mermaid's aid.
When he arrived, he was distraught to discover that his fair mermaid was nowhere to be found, and all that was left undestroyed was a single card stabbed into the kitchen table. This card held only one thing. The symbol of Jodisius. Anger and grief penetrated the dragon's heart and with a mighty rawr, he set off, following the slightly smudged tracks of the revolting troll. What he found was of no surprise.
Far from the edges of the dark wood, in the areas where evil and all that wait in shadow lies, sits the horrid kingdom of Jodisius. Locked away in the deepest darkest dungeon, the fair mermaid cried and sobbed her ocean filled heart out for her lover's help. In the throne room, nearly a few hundred floors up, sat Jodisius. A throne of skulls, mold, and a strange secreting glob that smelled most foul propped the wrinkled and lumped troll forward.
In stormed dragon, claws sheathed and fangs snarled, calling upon the magic forces for the strength and courage needed to save his lover. With a loud growl, dragon stomped to Jodisius's throne, attempting best to ignore the horrid sight and stench. "Where did you put her?!" Dragon yelled with anger trembling in his voice. "Whom ever do you mean dear dragon?" Jodisius spoke with a foul grin. "You know what you have done! Let the fair mermaid go!" Demanded the dragon.
The evil troll gave a horrendous chuckle and stared the dragon down with a foolish sense of confidence. "You'll never see your dear mermaid again. But if you feel the need, try your luck. I have her hidden away in one of my many rooms on one of my many floors. To make things more interesting, I give you 13 hours to test your luck." He then summons up a rather large sand timer, the bottom of which is filled with a large pile of dark murky green sand. "If you have not yet found her once the last grain of the bog's sand, You become buried in the bog, and your precious mermaid becomes MINE!" The evil troll finishes his terrifying speech with an evil laugh, then vanishes, with no trace of ever being there, other than the disgusting throne on which he once sat.
Holding a terrified expression, the dragon raced forth in a hunt for his darling mermaid. Room after room, hallway after hallway. The more that dragon looked, the more one room seemed to extend another 50. Two hours passed and still nothing. Dragon began to fear for the mermaid and began weeping. All hope had seemed lost. Suddenly, the dragon's tears turned gold and began to flow in a swirling beautiful appearance toward the closest hallway on the right. Hurriedly, the dragon followed after the golden stream, down winding staircase and narrow paths.
Seven hours gone and the dragon finally reached the 100th floor. After about an hour of searching, the dragon finally found the dungeon. With time soon running out, the dragon made a desperate attempt to find her. Tired and sore, he let out the best roar he could muster, calling for his lover's response. Down the Hall the fair mermaid heard her dear dragon's plea, and with all her strength, replied with her own melodic cry.
The dragon makes haste, and follows the sound of his lady faire. Once he sees his darling mermaid chained to the wall, a never-before seen strength comes over the dragon and with two strong swipes of his claw, frees the mermaid from her confinement. Over in the throne room, Jodisius watches this interaction and snarls in anger. Quickly he prepares for a mighty battle, as he is not willing to let his prey just happen away. So, with the help of his faithful servant, Abbi; the muck of melancholy, Jodisius's armour is equipped and ready for battle.
With his strength regained, and his love at last safe in his arms, the dragon races up the many stairs and hallways, to the throne room, in face of the battle that lies ahead. In the dragon comes, quickly and discreetly giving his lovely mermaid a cloak to hide herself with. With the power of love and magic at his end, the terrible reign of terror this troll has caused will be no more.
An angry scowl etched itself permanently on Jodisius face, and he barrelled forward, and without warning, swung a harsh blow to the dragon's side. However, despite his attempt, the dragon was not harmed. Fuming in anger, Jodisius continues his barrage of attacks, all proving futile. With energy running low, and he himself growing weak, the troll became hopeless, for he knew no matter what he tried, his attempts would be in vain. The dragon noticed this significant stall, and acted quickly. Using just a flick of his mighty tail, the dragon swept Jodisius off his feet and onto his bottom with a loud thud.
"Just do it." Jodisius spoke with distaste. The dragon contemplated for quite the second, but soon he did something not even the fair mermaid would have expected. Without another word, the mighty dragon took a rope from a nearby curtain and tied up the evil troll. Of course, Abbi was quickly added to the mix and both were taken back to the Fae King's kingdom, to be locked away for all eternity. Soon, Home the lovely pair went, a light glee spread throughout the forest as they returned, all the woodland creatures knew that their troubles were finally over. When they arrived home they were greeted to the nice surprise of the people of fae and a rebuilt home. A gift of thanks for protecting the wood, and rescuing the woodland favorite mermaid. With a welcome new home, and love restored, the couple continued their lovely life full of content. Now, thanks to the dragon's valiant efforts, all of the dark wood can live in peace and happiness. And as for the magic couple? Well, they continued their gracious little lives with love in their hearts, and memories they'll never forget, they lived happily ever after. And that ladies and gentleman is...

The End.

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