Thirty-four (epilogue two)

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A/N:  surprise ! a little something something that popped into my mind... especially because I also realized I may have forgotten a certain somebodies fate at the end there. oop.


Eleven years later

"Has anybody seen Seraphina?"

Hermione had really thought she had seen it all when the twins had been born. While Alphie was a little more rough and tough than Cael, the two boys had both taken after their fathers' love of Quidditch, immediately both trying out for the Slytherin Quidditch team the moment they could, ending up as the team's beaters. Regulus had been positively smug at watching Sirius finally having to root for the house of silver and green. When Seraphina was born, Hermione thought her beautiful baby girl would have been easy, a bundle of pink and giggles, sleeping through the night at only four weeks old-what she failed to realize, was that was just a temporary break for her to gather her bearings before the storm came in.

Seraphina had started walking much earlier than either of the twins had, and the moment she could pick up on her own two feet and confidently follow after her brothers-she didn't stop running.

Hermione was prepared for two twin boys who caused mischief just like Harry and Ron used to, no doubt in her mind they acted in the same chaotic manner Sirius and Remus had in the halls of Hogwarts.

Seraphina Elliana was a miniature Hermione Granger with the slyness and cunning of Regulus Black, and it made her want to write out a twenty foot long parchment to Headmistress Mcgonagall for all of the nonsense the Gryffindor Alumni had ever put her through.

With it being the night before the kids were due back at Hogwarts and Hermione had finally managed to wrangle her two sons into going over their final pack list, lecturing them on the fact that Moony and Padfoot would simply not just 'pop over' to Hogwarts to give them anything they had missed. (Although, they knew fairly well with Remus under his old position as Defense Against the Dark Arts, he most certainly would be looking out.)

This year, would be Seraphina's first year to Hogwarts and Hermione knew that her daughter was nervous about getting sorted, despite Regulus and Hermione assuring her over and over that they would be proud no matter what house she was in, in fact, with the twins in their sixth year as Slytherins, James as his seventh year in Gryffindor, Luna and Neville's son Augustus in his second year in Ravenclaw, and Ron and Lavender's daughter Delilah Rose in her fifth year of Hufflepuff, there would be somebody in every house to look after her-she wouldn't be going through her sorting along either, considering Scorpius Hyperion (Draco and Theo's son) and Arthur Remus (Harry and Ginny's second son) would be starting their first year as well.

"Mi? Are you alright?" Ron questioned, handing her the cup of tea he had clearly made for himself.

"There's too many people in this house! And before you even say a single thing, I know the kids made this a tradition to all sleep here the weekend before school starts, but we should've never agreed to it," she whined, putting her forehead on her friend's shoulder.

"Look out, Granger's got no control of the situation," Lavender teased, holding her newborn son, Hugo, in her arms.

"It's Black, you know that," Hermione chastised her with a smirk, sipping from the cup of tea as Arthur and Scorpius went tearing past her.

"Boys! No running in the house!" Regulus called out as he came into the room, giving Hermione a kiss on the temple as she leaned past him to grab Arthur and Scorpius' attention.

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