Alex/Max - Morning call

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~A quiet morning in Monaco in late 2019~

A trilling sound is what sort of wakes up Alex. Without looking at the phone he takes the call.  

"Alex speaking." 


Alex isn't entirely awake yet but hearing somebody screaming at him definitely did the job. Only is he not sure yet who it is on the end of apparently Max's phone. 


Alex, being a lot more awake now, starts to think he recognizes the voice on the other end. If it is the person he thinks it is, he just ended his whole career.

"Uuuuhhhmm. Max and I have an early work-out session together." 

That should do the trick right?? Friends do that together all the time. Alex thought. He was proud of himself to come up with something so quick after waking up. 

"And why are you answering HIS phone??" 

Alex is still not entirely sure who it is. The 3 sentences is clearly not enough to be certain. Maybe he just in denial, because if this person is the person he thinks it is, he is not sure what the consequences are going to be. 

"Max is on the loo." 

Alex starts to feel something move beside him. It is a wonder Max didn't wake up from the sound of HIS ringtone. If somebody should have woken up it should have been Max.  

"Give the phone to him. I need to speak to him." 

Alex takes a big breath and started to face reality. He is talking to Helmet. The guy who holds a lot of power in Red Bull. If Dr. Marko knew the real situation. Alex would be seatless or back to Toro rosso it is. 

"I will tell him to call you back." 

Alex hangs up the phone not ready for the response from the Austrian Red Bull adviser. The shock of having Dr. Marko on the other end of the phone Alex knows he can't go back to sleep anymore. He got up a little. His back now resting against the headboard. He starts resting his head against the headboard and takes a big inhale.

"Who was that?"

A still very sleepy Max says besides him. The Dutchman starts moving closer and lays his head on Alex's lap. This brings an instated smile to Alex's worried face. Alex plants one of his hands in his hair and starts rubbing small circles with his fingertips. Max let's out a soft moan.

"Schatje, who called you this early in the morning?" 

Max opened his eyes and moved a little so he can look up at Alex while saying that. Alex smiles at him. Now was it Max's turn to smile back at him. Alex shows Max the phone he was still holding, Max's phone.

"Oowh this person wasn't calling me." 

Max's relax and calm face shifts a little into worry. His brain not fully working and not entirely processing the information what Alex is giving him. Which is not weird for him only be awake for a couple of minutes.

"You answered my phone?"

"It woke me up and I thought it was my phone so I answered."

"So who called me?" 

"Yeah about that."

Alex puts the hand that was in Max's hair in his neck and makes a little worried face. Max doesn't like the feeling of Alex stopping massing his scalp. It makes him pout. Max gets up a little and starts sitting. Now being on the same eye level as Alex.

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