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Flora was sleeping.
She had her leg wrapped around a piece of the blanket and arms wrapped around her pillow. She was sleeping soundly, like a baby.

Her bangs were swooped to one side and she had a gentle smirk as she slept.

Tristan walked in to wake her up.
Today was filming day.

He saw her sleep soundly. He stared at her.

Francine bumped the back of his head and shoved him out the way before prancing on Floras bed and waking her up.

"That creep was staring at you" Francine laughed, pointing at Tristan

"No, I was gonna wake her UP." Tristan frowned.
"Today is filming day!!" Francine smiled.
Flora tossed herself up and rubbed Francine's cheek.

"Im so sleepy." She frowned. Francine tossed her out the bed.
"Ow!" Flora laughed.

"You need to wake up to be Cherlyn mills" she rolled her eyes before walking out.

Flora stood up and walked to her bathroom, shutting and locking the door. Tristan walked away.



Liked by tristanpravong and 982,417 moreFJFlor: FILMING DAY! 🥰

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Liked by tristanpravong and 982,417 more

Ohemgee. So excited.
@FJFlor: RIGHT. I'm so excited too ❤️❤️

@FJFlor: 🫶🏻🫶🏻🖕🏻

@FJFlor: u

They arrived at set.
"Flora! Hi!" Flor heard, she looked and saw Scott.
"Oh! Hi!" She smiled. He gave her a gentle hug.
"We're filming in 2 hours, head to that room where the stylists are waiting for you!" He welcomed her. She nodded and walked to the styling room.

She waved lightly and smiled, they sat her down.
They pat a light moisturizer and primer on her.
They put a light foundation and carefully pat it.
Along with concealer, they curled her lashes lightly and put light blush before starting on her hair.

They part her hair and put a small ponytail in the back of her hair, brushing the remaining hair that's left down. They fixed her bangs and gave her a small bow on the back.

They put a white ribbon on the top of her hair, they headed her to the dressing rooms where the clothes were already set on hangers.

She wore a black shirt with white buttons and ruffles, along with jeans.

She walked out to see they're already filming.

"Flora! We've been waiting! Come!" Scott smiled, leading her to the set of the first scene.

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