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Flora was practicing fake-fighting.
she swung her fist and the trainer tossed his head to the side.

"did i hurt you?" Flor checked on the trainer. he shook his head.
"so now i'm gonna swing my fist near your cheek, you're going to swing your head the way i swing to make it look like i punched you." he said, Flor nodded.

he swung, she swung.
"Good! let's practice the fight."

she swung at him, he tossed his head over and tumbled over the street, catching his balance then charging at her, she hovered her head under his fist and kneed his stomach, pushing him into a pillar.

"very good!" he smiled, standing up.
"okay." he brushed the dust off his shirt. "take five."

flora walked over to the trailers to see Miguel train stunts aswell.
she watched him fake-fight his trainer.

"didnt that scene end already? the one with moose?" she asked.
"i just wanted to practice a bit more." miguel shrugged, pulling at his fingers

"i'm gonna visit Fiona. wanna come?"
"sure, did you see out missing child posters?" Robin tossed a piece of paper in a trash can.

"nah, not yet." Flora shrugged.
"Mines super cool. they're at that table there."

Flora went to the table and gasped at her poster.
"Woahh! that's really realistic!" she smiled, catching up to Miguel.


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"How are you and Tristan?" Miguel asked, Flora looked up from her phone.

"What?" Flora chuckled.
"You two have been spending a lot of time together. Is something going on?" Miguel laughed.

"I really like him." Flora let her phone down.
She felt relief as she let those words fly out her mouth.

She felt comfy telling that to Miguel.
"When will you confess?" Miguel smiled.

"I don't know. It's killing me inside." Flora tossed her head up and whined

"How about today?" Miguel smiled, snatching her phone

"MIGUEL" she yelled, grabbing at her phone

Tristan 💕💕

Meet me in my trailer.
I need to tell you something.

Lol tell me now

I need to tell u irl ☹️




Tristan peeked, looking for flora as she ruffled her hands through her hair waiting on the stairs of her trailer.

"Hey!" He smiled, peeking and walking to her. She stood up.

"I need to tell you something too." Tristan folded his hands

"Fuck it." Flora said
"Hmm?" Tristan curled a brow

"I fucking like you. Alright?" She furrowed her brows. Tristan froze.

"I have for so long." She frowned, staring at him.

A smirk planted into his face.

"I like you too."

". . What?"

The End

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