Chapter 1 - First Impressions

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Y/N = Your Name
F/N = Friend's Name

Forcing your eyes open, your head and body turns to the alarm that has been going on for a few minutes now before being turned off.
The dim lighting in your room, rays peeking through the closed curtains and the occasional, relatively small mess of clothes from yesterday. Yeah, that's your room.

You sit up on the side of the bed, doing a few blinks before you fully stand up, slide the curtains open and take care of the room itself since it wasn't a total mess to be a burden yet.
It's around 9 AM, you haven't eaten a bite since you woke up but you can already feel a surge of energy flow through you, talking about food... Food. Breakfast. Walking down from your room right to the kitchen, thinking of what to eat.

Since your mother is on a business trip right now, there is no easy going around kind of a deal, you're forced to make yourself a bowl of cereal.
*knock knock knock* ...well that's early for visitors, whoever it might be could be either a delivery guy, although you'd doubt that, so it could be one of your friends that you hang out with so often.
After finishing off the bottom of your bowl, you stand up, "Be right there!" you shout, walking towards the door.
Opening it reveals f/n, who seemed more well rested than you are, "Hey dude, what's the long face for?" they ask, leaning on his side against a surface, "Nothing, just woke up different, that's all."

"Well, get ready! The arcade is open again, aaand they added something sick!"
They say, exhaling pure excitement.

"Yeah alright, give me a moment-"
Leaving the door open, you take a few steps to grab your coat and leave the house with f/n towards the arcade. Good ol' days.
Taking a stroll through the town, many cars bypass your view, busy streets and many crossroads filled with pedestrains, some complaining of the traffic.
Either way, you somehow make it towards the arcade, the somewhat famous in your town Pixel Parade Arcade! Your straight face turns into a grin in a matter of seconds.

With the glee projecting you enter the massive building, soon neon themed room fills your vision. You approach the 'chip man' who looks down upon both you and f/n,
"Hey lads, today's a free entry on the company's cost, so just write ya name down and get out there to enjoy yourself."
The 'chip man' says, tipping his cap with the company's logo on it, you both exchange little conversation before leave the reception since you were starting to hold the line. Though you, f/n and the 'chip man' have pretty good relations, on few occasions he even gave both of you a bit of a sale when getting credits for the machines.
As soon as you enter, f/n, all fired up runs off to his favourite attractions, while your eyes are fixated on that small crowd surrounding the Dance Dance Revolution corner.
As you reach the place, it sounds like the song is right at the end, you also found a nice view to take a peek at the action. It looked like a guy in a parka was on the pad, with 2 others just leaning on both sides on the machine, watching.
They seemed to have been fighting against a grey feline with a colourful hoodie,
"You!- STUPID!-" The parka guy raised his fist as to hit, before holding back,
"By 1500 points, well, your loss, amigo-"
Said the cat before getting cut off by the figure,
"Look- you're so goddamn lucky that we're in this arcade, otherwise I would have your head dancing on the pad itself!-"

"Look, deal is a deal, it was nice playing and stuff, threats are always complimentary-"
Soon, they both went their way, the parka guy with two of his side-kicks out of the arcade, and the cheeky cat onto a seating area next to the machine.
Now you could either play it yourself, or just talk to the fellow... Choosing the second option with no surprise to yourself.
You sit on the chair next to his,
"You often play against them?"

"Not sure who starts a conversation like that, you just sat down-"

"Yeah not a great way-" You rub your neck and look at the floor,
"Eh, don't bug ya head on it, we had a deal and since I won, I get to keep my life for the next day."
Smirking, he looked at you before glancing at the DDR machine again, there were people playing already,
"You know 'em?" He asked, adjusting himself to the seat, "You don't seem too concerned."

"Not really... Care to elaborate?" You ask,
"They're the snakes of this place... Dealing with them is like jumping in a tank full of sharks..."
"So like the bullies of the neighborhood? Or some form of a gang?"
"Sorta I guess, you're new to this place?"
"Moved in 2 weeks ago." You replied, he smirked at you,
"Could've guessed, how about a round on the pads, hmm? -uh... your name?"
"y/n." You fill out his query,
"Nice to meet ya, y/n. I'm Kapi, so what do you say?" Kapi asked again, energetically jumping out of the seat, reaching out his hand to you,
"Nice to meet you too, and I don't see a reason not too-"
You take his hand, he pulls you out of the seat. Both get onto the DDR Pads, play a bit until it's noon, you nearly won but Kapi was still ahead of you in score, "Tough luck, man!"
"Yeah, I guess, it was nice spending time with you, though. I got to go since my mom might be waiting for me at home."
You excuse yourself, getting off the DDR Pad and leaving towards the exit, Kapi then suddenly grabs you by the arm, stopping you, " -Hey, wait! Damn- if you're leaving already- mind if we exchange phone numbers? Just if we ever wanna chill out and play something again." You nod, taking out your phone, "Alright."
You do so, wave your goodbyes before your face turns white, you've left f/n to their own devices, you came here specifically to enjoy time, together. What are they going to think about that? Before you reach the calls again you notice a text message in your inbox,
"I know I'm leaving early, but my family had a crisis and I had to get home ASAP, you enjoy yourself tho"
This was sent few hours ago, how time flies.
You respond to the text with a few prayers against the crisis and try to get home yourself. Fast.
After getting home, you enter the kitchen, greet your mother and eat dinner, then you prepare to head to bed, which all you do is tend to yourself by brushing teeth.
Before closing your eyes, you check your phone and that being you've already got a message from Kapi,
"Hey! Just checking if you didn't give me one of those fake numbers"
You type out a reply, "Not a fake number, would be smarter to check it at the arcade if you're that worried about that"
Hoping to reassure them, "Alright I won't bother ya, cuz I'm staying up a bit more and you might be wanting to sleep"

"It's alright" You type back.
And so you and Kapi type away until one of you decides to go to sleep, the first one being you.

(1259 words)

'Time to Remember' - a !Kapi x !Reader fanfiction [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now