Chapter 2 - Everyday life of a Cat

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Your body decides to wake, rubbing your eyes, you sit yourself up onto the bed and release a sigh of even having to do all that.

Check the time, it's 13:00, honestly you're surprised it's not later than that.
Check the notifications on the phone and all you can see is a spam of messages from Kapi, while other apps tried to squeeze in between the warfare happening on your lockscreen.

You unlock your phone to read the content.

The latest one was sent 12:37, about 23 minutes ago,
"Hey are you awake?"

This message mostly filled your screen, it towered up like a tsunami,
"I am now, you still alive?"
Reply sent in a joking manner, you might've even smiled to yourself while typing that.

Though it was a matter of seconds before Kapi almost instantly read the message and sent a reply, almost like an automated service,
"Good Morning!"
Three messages after each other pushed the rest of the chat log up,
"Yeah, Good Morning."
You then leave the phone on your desk and start leaving the room towards the kitchen to eat something, at least you thought so before hearing a buzz again, you just decide to check the message and take the phone with you,
"Would you mind meeting up at the arcade again?"

"Sure, I'll text you when I'll be leaving home."
And like that, you ended the short conversation, stepping into the kitchen area to get a quick something to eat.

After finishing breakfast and dressing up decently enough for a teenager like yourself, you take your phone and start leaving the house, as well as you text Kapi that you're leaving.

He simply, despite all of the hype you've felt through his messages, responded with a 2-letter OK.

Essential filled, that being a phone and a wallet, you walk towards the arcade.
When inside you already notice Kapi in the distance, sitting on a bench.

Quickly you walk up and buy credits, hastily walk towards Kapi's bench and sit beside them,
"Hey. How was the night?"

Kapi then looked at you with a content smile,
"It's nice having someone to talk to when you can't fall asleep, thanks man."
Kapi expressed his gratitude, and you smiled back at the comment.

Regardless of what happened now, both of you decided to spend the next 4 hours playing on machines around the arcade, together.
Some were a blast, some were 'mid'.

After the fun has ended, which did at the same time you got tired, you stopped by a wall, leaning onto it,
"Well, that certainly was something, not sure what the designer thought when placing every cool machine in literally each corner of the whole building-"

Kapi exclaimed a bit at the end as he lost his breath near the end of the sentence, as well as putting his hands into the trouser pockets. You decided to chuckle it off and nod in agreement to whatever his complaint was about.

"-...but you know what we should do?"
Kapi asked as his head turned slowly to you as if he was about to offer robbing a bank to you.
Your head turns to meet eyes with Kapi,

"We should get ice cream! On my treat."
Kapi stated his offer, if he was planning to be so generous, you couldn't turn down the offer,
"If you insist, Kapi."
You respond, no longer leaning and walking next to Kapi out of the arcade and on a move to find an ice cream shop or a truck or a stand. Any will do.

The adventure was interesting for sure, but came to a finish when both of you found a stand in the park,
Kapi exclaimed, rushing towards the stand while you had to simply keep up.

Good thing you're well fit for running at least.

Both of you lead a short conversation with the ice cream man as he makes the cones for each of you, Kapi pays, then just thank him and be on your way to somewhere else. The somewhere else deemed to be a walk around town.

"Thanks Kapi."

"No problem, Y/N, like seriously."

You both enjoyed the frozen delight, finishing it and having enough time to have a steer around the town for a bit.
By the time you'd well know where everything is.

But soon, the noon hit, and so, you had to hit home again,
"It's getting dark, I better get going."
You mention as you look towards the setting sun,
"Oh, kay. Well- I can escort you back home if you want, Y/N!"

You'd laugh 'escort' off,
"Sure, won't mind the reinforcements."
Kapi shined a determined, sparkled smile.

Having a good time was well arranged today, at least it was without much flaws before a group of three bumped right into the two of you.

You swear you've seen them before, but whoever that might be, Kapi's expression spoke definitely bad company,
"Hey! You two punks!"
The so-called leader spoke,
"Uh... Yeah! Hi! Missed you a lot!"
Kapi said, before turning to you and whispering,
"Alright, Y/N. On my word we run like hell..."
Kapi said, you nodded and he walked towards the group,
"How are you? God- your little group and you! Having fun on the streets?"
Kapi exclaimed, the group hissed with temper,
"What trouble are you planning to get into next, huh? And who's that! Your goddamn boyfriend?"
The leader spoke, the goons aside him kept releasing a bad atmosphere,
"Look whatever the case might be, I'm just walking my friend home, alright? So if you could just let us through-"
Kapi tried to walk past them, before one of the bad guys pushed him right back, you simply rush to catch Kapi from having a hard fall back.

Soon what happens is the group steps forward as you two back up,
"Oh, I'm not done with you. It's over when I SAY it's over, furball!"

You could hear the kettle release steam inside this guy's head, the side goons laughed at the leader's sentence,
"Well- you see- I kinda am- so- SCATTER!"
Kapi exclaimed as he ran from the left onto the road and back behind them, you manage to squeeze through the right and with Kapi you hastily ran towards your house,
The gang ran after, your heart was never beating as fast as now, Kapi didn't seem calm either.

Yet for the gift of being able to run as fast, you make it into the premises of your house, and due to the circumstances, so does Kapi.

Mom wasn't home yet, but that didn't matter, the two of you earned a breather and decided to wait until they were gone.
By that time you guys were chatting and celebrating victory.

Couple of minutes pass, they're gone, as well as is the sun, Kapi looks over from the window towards you,
"Hey, mind if I stay over?"
He said, hopeful eyes stared right at you,
"-I- ...sure, yeah."
You respond before slowly making your way to your room, Kapi follows with a smile on his face.

"So where do I sleep?"
Kapi asked, looking around your room and admiring the aesthetic of it,
"Well, you can sleep on the bed with me. The sofa is too much of a rock as well as I don't think you want to sleep in my parents' room."

Kapi nodded,
"Well, that's fine with me."

"Great, I'll go get dressed and we'll call it a day."
You take your pyjamas and walk to the bathroom to get dressed instead, Kapi was sat on the bed by the time you came back,
" this is gonna feel awkward-"
You say after a brief break,
"I know, right? That's what I thought in the first place-"
Kapi responds before an unintelligible exchange of words intensifies, cut to the two of you, in a dark room, in the bed, right next to each other.

There is a plus to it all, Kapi works as a radiator well enough.

(1354 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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'Time to Remember' - a !Kapi x !Reader fanfiction [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now