Chapter 3: Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex

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In honour of Steel Wool Studios for finishing Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach for Scott Cawthon. Thank you Scott and Steel Wool for making this franchise a well known one <3

"I'm in."

So that night, Charlie Michael and I got back into our casual clothing and snuck out of the house. Michael steals Mrs. Afton's keys along the way, then handed them to me once we made it outside. I looked up at him confused, he showed Mrs. Afton's blue car, he wanted me to drive it to the Pizzaplex!?

"Mike... I can't steal your mother's car." I told him. "I would never do that, I know I'm old enough to drive and the only one with a licence but c'mon. I can't do this."

"Do you really wanna try to walk it like Mike and I did?" Charlie asked crossing her arms at her chest. "It took us forever to get there. And we couldn't go inside because of it. We wanna try and get the WHOLE experience inside."

I hesitate, Mrs. Afton wouldn't know, but what if she found out? I'd be in big trouble. Well Mrs. Afton is a forgiving person, but I bet she'd be mad at Michael for making me sneak out with him and Charlie to the Pizzaplex. I finally unlock the car and we all get in quietly as to not disturb neighbours or wake up the Aftons and Henry. When I start it up I take another quick check, no lights turn on inside.

We begin the drive to the Pizzaplex, since I don't know the way Michael and Charlie had to tell me which way to go. Most the time they had small arguments about which way was the correct way 'cause they apparently forgot a few streets and turns. But around half an hour later, we made it there. As I parked the car I looked up at the Pizzaplex. Charlie and Michael were right, it was HUGE!

4 floors high, including ground floor and 2 basements down. Damn, and it still looked new. We got out our flashlights and were prepared to walk inside. Before we did though I looked at the time, 10:50PM; I wasn't exactly sure when this place shuts itself, but hopefully it wasn't too soon, otherwise we'd be trapped inside. But, considering it's a huge Pizzaplex, it probably stays open 24/7, even though it's been abandoned and never used apart from guards roaming around. Oh... shit, the guards.

"What if a guard finds us?" I ask Charlie and Michael before we head inside. "This place may be abandoned, but it looks new and clean enough to still be guarded."

"Then we'll be sneaky, duh. C'mon! Let's go in before it gets too late, we'll leave just before midnight." Charlie explains. Her father knows pizzerias considering he made some of the Fazbear ones, but... she doesn't know as much as him. But, I have to trust her. Why not? I'm 20 now, I can do whatever the fuck I want. Even if my friends are still 18...

We open the front doors carefully and quietly; wow, ho-ly shit. I am now addicted to this place, the entryway was gorgeous, it didn't even LOOK old. Michael glanced around the area, there was a humongous statue of animatronics, a Freddy, a Chica, and then an alligator and wolf. All golden, they had an 80s look. Shoulder plates, some sort of 80s style paint marks on their face arms legs and chest. On Freddy's chest was a lightning streak, and in the middle of his chest was what seemed to look like an opening.

"Okay, seeing this statue makes me really wanna see the animatronics now!" Charlie clapped excitedly, to be honest, I was just as excited. I really wanted to find them and see them too!

"I think we can, there's an opening to a museum section. Maybe they're all in there?" Michael pointed to a door with indeed a museum sign on it.

We all exchange glances and then open the door to see inside. But as we went in, we jumped a little in shock seeing a weird wet floor sign turning to face our direction. It had a face above it's sign and bear ears on top, so cute! I wanted to touch it but was afraid something might happen if I do. Charlie didn't care and touched it. Nothing happened, at least the wet floor signs are good. But, they're animatronic ones, so that must mean the animatronics in the building were probably all still functional!

"Oh. My. God. Charlie Y/N look at this!" Michael called over Charlie and I as we petted and touched the weird but adorable wet floor sign. "It's a bunch of small display cases of stuff."

We went toward them, wow. So... gross. There was rubbish in some, an old telephone and robot toy, like C.C's for some reason... and a few other weird bits and bobs. Then there was, cupcake? A cupcake in a display case, that looked exactly like Chica's. I looked at the cupcake while Michael and Charlie were examining other things, then I heard it. A guitar or something, playing in the background. It sounded like it was coming from, behind that curtain in a gigantic room looking glass case. There was a bit opened so I could see inside, I decided to peek. I couldn't believe it. It was Chica, the Chica on the statue. She didn't look like the Chica I knew though.

Her triangle earrings dangled as she bopped her head up and down while she played a blue guitar. She she was facing her mirror, so I couldn't see her face or front. But she was white instead of yellow, very 80s styled which really impressed me. While she was strumming amazingly, I watched her. I couldn't stop, and not gonna lie, she looked pretty good looking. Soon enough Charlie and Michael came to watch her too. Then there was banging noises. Really loud banging noises, coming from the next giant room display case.

Michael Charlie and I all walk towards it slowly, it was completely blocked off. There was a sign explaining that "Montgomery" can't come out for now. Montgomery, was that the alligator's name? It probably was because that room belonged to the gator, I could tell because one the sign was a picture of the gator from the statue. Too bad we couldn't see Montgomery, but the banging was getting pretty intense.

"GRRRRRRRRRRR!" CRASH! BANG! BOOM! SPLAT! Jeez, Montgomery has anger issues or something, Charlie Michael and I decide to stay away from the room for now, and head over to the next one.

"Your hair is beautiful, your tail is beautiful, everyone was watching you... everyone loves you... everyone wants to be you! You are the best. Thank you, I am the best, I am the best." The wolf, which seemed to be a female was talking to herself in the mirror. I'm guessing she's self-absorbed or something, always wanting compliments and acts like they're the best and better than all. But no doubt, she was gorgeous. Beautiful grey fur with white hair, and was that a streak of green hair on her in the reflection of the mirror? I think so.

"Her name is Roxanne. Roxanne Wolf, it says it above her room display case." Michael whispers and points upward showing the name above the case. I nod, Roxanne. What a name, a cool one that is.

"Guys, Freddy's next! Let's see him." Charlie whispers as we all snuck away making sure Roxanne couldn't hear us. Then we saw him, Freddy Fazbear. Damn he looked good, that 80s style really suited him well.

"The way you're looking at Freddy is freaking me out a little." Charlie explains to me. Whoops, didn't mean to stare awkwardly like that. I'm not in love with an animatronic I just thought he looked cool.

"Well, we should get going." Michael tells Charlie and I. "It's gonna be 11:45 soon."

Charlie and I nod and we all start walking toward the entrance. Charlie and Michael talk about what to look at next time we go back, I just roll my eyes but before I went past Freddy's area I hear a "pssst.". I look and see Freddy standing by the curtains at the front of his room waving out to me!

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