we're done✌

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Previously on Nicole's POV
He tried to run after me but some girl called his name. I turned around so I could see who it was that called and it was...

Nicoles POV

I turned around and it was none other than Nicole. No not me Nicole his ex girl Nicole.yeah we have that same name and that's one reason why I hate her. Yeah petty I know. But anyways they ended up talking about something and you know nosey me had to stand and listen no I wasn't gonna be late cus we still had a couple of min to get to class. So I stood there and listened

(Nicole is N2 for Nicole #2 his ex,C is Chris,bold is nicole)

N2:hey Chris can we talk


N2:Chris I just wanted to say that I miss us and I miss the relationship that we used to have

C:and your telling me this why

N2:because I really miss you and I want us to be in a relationship again I know the thing I did was wrong and I'm sorry I' I was never there to comfort you Chris I'm sorry can you just give us another try

C:Nicole I can't you know I'm with someone else and I dont want to hurt her
That's my baby I said in my head smileing(Nicole said

N2:oh you talking about the wonna be me. Chris I know you and I know your not happy in that relationship with that thing
Oh no she didn't

C:Nicole I am happy

N2:if your happythen why did you say the thing you said when you text me


N2:tell me this if your happy does your girl know that yo be sending me text during the middle of the night saying how much you miss me and how much you wish we were together huh answer that Chris
The bell rings but I dont care because I want to hear what he got to say cus in a min I'm bout to jump from behind this wall and whip somebody ass before I leave for Atlanta and it ain't gonna be pretty

N2:huh answer me chris


N2:do you still have feelings for me Chris,do you still love me


Yeah answer her Chris cus I wonna hear your answer

C:yes Nicole I still have feelings for you and I love you,you know you always have a place in my heart

N2:then why not be with me Chris WHY


Next thing I know they both leaning in and they kiss. This made me heated next thing I know I see red and that's not a good thing
Really Chris really after everything we've been through you go and do this to me really

C:Nicole just hear me out
No Chris I'm through with hearing you out and I'm tired to f all the I'm sorrys I'm just tired Chris

N2:Chris just leave that thing alone you have me now bae
Oh I know she just didn't call me a thing when I wasn't even talking to her but I'll start if she wants to
First of all bitch who was talking to you and second who you calling a thing when I'm obviously human and your not

N2:u was talking to you actually problem
Nope not anything that I can't solve

N2:come at me then I dare you
You sure you want me to u ready for these hands

N2:I knew you wasn't gonna do it
After she said that I grabbed a hand full of hair and started punching
So you like being a home wrecker huh well let me show you what happens to people like that I say getting a couple of punches in
Chris stood there for a min in shock but after a while I heard him scream stop nicki. I was gonna stop but not before I got a few more punches in. Nicki stop he yelled again

I just stood there and looked at him
Why Chris why. Why would you do this to me to us

C:nicki I...
No save it Chris I can't believe I wasted all my time on you,on this relationship just dont were done. Oh and you can loose my number to

After that I walked away and never looked back

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