Harsh Reality - 4

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The cafe was in the center of the town so Rogue and Chelsea had a long distance to walk to get home. Both of them lived on the very outskirts of the town due to their familes not being the richest people in the place. They both lived in very cramped houses, which was inconvient for Chelsea because she had a large amount of siblings. Rogue on the otherhand having none it could sometimes of been heaven for him. Other times he liked being around Chelsea and her family because he got more involved an appreciated when he helped the smaller children. 

"Are your parents gonna mind you coming over to my place?"

"I am pretty sure they won't. I generally do what I want on Friday so it just depends."

"Well, how long you gonna stay then?"

"Depends how long you want me to..." Rogue replied with a sly smile on his face.

"Oh...." Chelsea couldn't get her words out over her blush. 

"It's ok, if you need me I will stay." He went to hold her hand and she clasped on. 

She went to reply but feel under the weight of her injured leg.

"Chels! You ok?!" Rogue started to panick. 

"It's ok" She tried to stay calm. "You know when I said you had to carry me..." She tried to with hold her laughter.

"Come on then." Rogue picked her up and tried getting her to her house as fast as he could.

                                                                     *          *          *

"Look were finally there!" Chelsea shouted over Rogues panting.

"Are your parents in?" He quickly responded.

"No they went out with my brothers, I have the keys in my bag though." Chelsea grabbed out the keys that were out of the bag so tight to her chest and handed them to Rogue. 

He jammed them into the door and rushed Chelsea upstairs to her bedroom. He knew her house like the back of his hand, having been there so many times. He told her to stay here and dashed downstairs to get some water and food. Being as careful as he could not to knock over any of the ornaments throughout the house. He went back upstairs to make sure she was ok.

"Here, I got these for you. Not sure if it might help but just trying eating to gain some energy back."

"I hope it will." She starts eating while Rogue gets some blankets for her to rest.

"What are you doing Rogue?" She knew what but just wondered how he was doing.

"Just thinking." He trust her but wasn't sure how well she was feeling.

"Can I ask what about?" The more questions the more inquisitive she got. 

"I just wondered how long I am gonna have to stay. If your parents aren't here I don't want you having to take care of yourself." He was more concerned about her than he had been before. 

"Yeah your right. Will you leave when them come back?"

"Only if you want me to." The tone of voice changed from his usual act to a softer sound. 

Chelsea's face lite up with glee and tried to not show it. She really liked Rogue but wasn't sure how much she liked him back.  

"Thank You." Chelsea whispered to Rogue to have to make him come closer to hear. He lent onto the bed and tired to relax her by rubbing her stomach.

"It's ok Chelsea. I'll go get a drink and be right back ok?"

"Ok Rogue be quick!" Her voice drowned in Rogues head as he tried to be as quick as he could. Then when he got downstairs he pulled out his phone dialed a number and proceeded to wait. 

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