Harsh Reality - 7

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Woodlands Park was very calm for a Saturday afternoon. There was only a few groups of people strolling in and out. Some kids playing various sports around the grass. Other couples out for a peaceful walk. The people that caught Rogue's attention were the boys he say from his school. "The RattleSnakes" as they called themselves. He did not know if Chelsea had seen them so he made sure he stuck to the fence of the park. 

"You alright Rouge?" She could tell that he wasn't as happy as he was before. 

"Yeah I'm doing good just tired that's all" He tried not to show where he was looking. 

"Hmm, ok then, do you......" Chelsea was interrupted by Tyler, the leader of The RattleSnakes. He was just about the same height as Rogue, 6ft and a bit, however you could see which one was more confident.

" 'Aight Chels and ohs this lad you got wid you?" He spoke with a very strong accent.

"Um.....This is Rogue...." She couldn't find the right words to stand up to him.

"Dis is Rogue? What a pussy, why you 'anging wid him?" Tylers voice got louder and louder.

"Its a long story Tyler, I wouldn't worry about it if I were you." Chelsea tried to grab Rogues hand but was stopped by Tyler.

"What you gotta a crush on him? Hahaha!" Rogues hands clenched.

"Look, mate if you got a problem just leave, no need to be......" He got cut of by Tyler pushing him over.

"Nigga if you can't shut the fuck up leave!" Chelsea could see the anger rising in both men.

Both Tyler and Rogue both do fighting. Tyler does a large amount of boxing which is reflected in his size. Rogue does various martial arts and knew what he had to do to well. He was trying to hide the anger to protect Chelsea but was very close from bursting. He nodded at Chelsea and she tried to relax, only causing her more distress. 

"OI TYLER!" Rogue kicked him in the side of the leg followed by a punch to the back. He keeled over  almost limping on the floor. The other RattleSnakes was running close in. 

"Come on Chelsea NOW!" She hastily grabbed his hand but was stopped by Tyler grabbing her leg. Rogue proceeded to kick him in the back. Squeezing his hand so tight Chelsea tried to run at the same speed as Rogue but fell. He tried to help her but the RattleSnakes had caught up. Rogue flew and jump roundhouse kicked the first man in the face. Quickly starting to uppercut the second in the jaw. 

"Quickly Chels!" Rogue saw her leg hadn't fully recovered and he picked her up and ran. He realised he had lost them when he turned onto Perry Street. 

"Where did those come from?!" Chelsea exclaimed trying to hold on to his arm.

"Well, just don't get me angry k?" Rogue trying to recover from being doubly tired and still trying to carry her meant he was breathing very heavily. 

"Still, I don't mind you as my prince now" She smiled and kissed him, holding his head down. He walked slowly carrying her back to the house. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2013 ⏰

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