There is hope

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7/5/15 9:27pm

People help the people?

I beg to differ,

Everyone rides alone,

trapped in their own little bubble.

But we must break out of the moment,

Go out some more to look around,

For life isn't just about yourself,

But about the people you spend time with.

So, forget the fuckboys and the hoes,

The assholes and the haters,

because baby this life is yours,

and what you can do now, never leave it for later.

You'll regret the decisions you never took,

The opportunities you let slipped by,

Just because you were scared,

Speculating isn't something that's worthy of cries.

So please little human open your arms,

feel the breeze of the world hitting your face,

There'll be no other moment like this,

To realize what life really has to offer.

Notice the animals around you,

The kids playing with their shinning smiles

The old couples being forever young,

Could you believe all you've missed?

And to think that your life revolved around a computer screen,

That youtube videos were part of your itinerary,

Do you see now,

The beauty in living?

So, people may not help the people,

Things may not always seem sunshine and roses,

But if you don't go out and discover what's out there,

You'll never be living.

Because life is just an illusion,

Not everyone that is alive is currently living,

Stop being like the rest,

That's my conclusion.

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