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My story begins eons before the concept of the Earth was first conceived. I remember being...nothing, less than empty space. But in a flash of light I had somehow become conscious...a being of some sort. I remember being confused and scared.

I felt my six eyes blink, and I looked down at my iridescent, partially corpreal claws. I could sense something move to my right. Another being, one with skin and claws not too different to my own. He was flexing them, moving them in front of his brilliant blue eyes.

I did the same, neither of us truly understood who or what we were. What our missions would become, and the events that would precipitate the end of everything. Or at least, what was supposed to be. Until one human decided to 'throw a wrench' into the Host and Heaven's plan.

Somehow I knew, that the other being was my twin. Even though the angels created before us were created one by one, I knew. And he knew as well, I could tell. We stood up together, and learned our very first lessons from each other. That no matter what, we as angels, are not alone. That our brethren would protect us. Now I know that was untrue. Dean prove that to me.

Then we heard a voice. The voice of our Creator. The one that we would call Father for eons to come.

His voice boomed out through the heavenly arena that we were created in. "Cassiel, Castiel. You are both angels of my making, and you were created to execute my will and to protect all of my creations." A pause to let the gravity of His words to sink in. "You will learn of more tasks from the archangels, Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer."

A moment of silence falls over us like a sheet, and I look over at my brother. Cassiel. That is his name, and mine is Castiel. The sword and shield of heaven. Warriors by nature.

"You are not fully grown yet, and have much to learn." Father said, two other angels stepping out from the crowd of twenty that I had just noticed. I was not the most spatially aware, and that might be why Cassiel was a better soldier than I was. "That is why I am bearing that responsibility on Gabriel and Michael. I want you to remember that you are two individual halves of a whole."

That was the last that I heard from Father until after The Darkness was released onto the universe several thousand years later. Even though he as a person was dubious in intent, I still believe in His message. Cassiel does as well. It is what united us through the wars and bloodshed that we have seen. Through worlds colliding and civilizations falling, His message was one of hope to us. To all angels.

I hope that he comes back and tells us all that what Michael did was just as wrong as Lucifer did. Lucifer ended so many angels' existences much too early, but Michael made them afraid of existing the way they wanted.

Gabriel just ran. I do not know exactly what I feel about him right now, but I think there is some anger there. He could have helped. He could have taken control away from Michael. He was older. He should have been able to do it.

We should not have lost so many angels to Michael and Lucifer. Father and Gabriel should have stepped in after Lucifer took on the Mark of Cain.

Mistakes. They are a big part of heaven. Unfortunately for my brother and I.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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