chapter 11

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Two weeks later, the whole world new about the bomb and I took myself off of the internet. Some people blamed me, some people blamed the security but it's whatever.

Thankfully no one was killed but 20 people were injured. I've been in contact with them and one of the girls fell off a balcony which is really bad. The guy who set the bomb off is going to jail for a very long time which is a very good thing.

Today I was going to meeting that we were going to talk about the rest of the tour and Harrison came with me.

I sat down with my manager and one side of me and Harrison on the other. Around the table were a bunch of other people aswell.

"Right let's just get straight to the point" My manager began "Are we or are we not putting this tour on hold"

"I say no, all of our stadiums are packed full of her fans, all tickets have been sold" One man said

"If I may but in, the girl is truamatised from the bomb, she is not going ahead give her atleast a few months to get over this" Harrison said

"We can't refund the tickets" the guy said

Everyone began shouting and then I said.

"Wembley" I said

"What?" My manager said

"Why don't we put on a massive show and it's like a massive apology from me for the events that took place" I said "We don't do the other shows, we just do one massive one or two"

"That's a decent idea" the guy said

"And maybe not just I who performs, like a bunch of other artists perform too" everyone turned to Harrison

"I'd be up for it" he said

"Right let's do that"my manager said "I'll get on it right away"

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