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They were already through half of the day, and Finney sat in his fourth period; going from looking at the clock to out the window. It was clear as day he was bored, though he was in AP Geometry.

So when the bell rung for lunch he was the first person to leave the room, he sighed in relief after leaving the class, 'If I would've stayed in there any longer, I was gonna fall asleep' he thought to himself as he walked through the hall to meet up with the others.

That was until the back of his shirt was snatched and he was harshly pulled into the bathroom. and pinned against one of the stalls. He looked to see it was Michelle causing him to sigh 'What now' Finney thought as he slightly glared at the male.

"Listen you son of a bitch, just because Robin protected you doesn't mean you're fucking safe, he won't be by your side all the time. Watch your fucking back" the boy said before moving away from Finney and leaving.

Finney stood there for awhile, 'I'll never get peace. No matter what school I go to' Finney thought he slightly but his lip, before leaving the bathroom.

He walked outside to the meeting spot they said they were gonna be. When he walked up to them the first to notice was Robin, "Finn, what took you so long" Robin asked as Finney walked up to them.

"Huh, oh I forgot something in my last period" Finney said as he slightly scratched the back his neck, causing Gwen to slightly frown, "Oh, well come on we already got a spot to sit" Bruce said to which Finney nodded as they walked over to a spot by a tree and sat under it.

"It feels so warm" Gwen said as she leaned back on the tree, Robin sat beside Finn, "Hey can I ask a random questions" Robin asked suddenly to which Finney just nodded.

"Alright, uh when's your birthday" he asked, "Oct 30, 1968, yours?" Finney responded, "Ha, I'm older than you by a year. Mines is July 13, 1967. Alright favorite color" Robin said to which Finney had to think about it "Royal blue, you?" He said with a smile, "black, orange, and white" Robin responded. To which Finney nodded.

"Alright, what's the most accidental embarrassing thing you been in" Robin causing Finney to think before his face went beet red, Robin laughed at the reaction, "Come on, I won't tell anyone, you can even whisper it to me" Robin said to which Finney huffed out.

"Fine fine, but come here" Finney said as he waved for him to get closer, Robin did so and bent down Finney could whisper it to him, "I once ate blue pain when I was a kid cause I thought it would make me a blueberry" Finney whispered to him before moving away.

Robin paused for a second "Pfft-" he started off before covering his mouth as he tried to hold in his laugh, "Don't laugh!" Finney shouted as his face only redden more, this only caused Robin to laugh out laugh more as the rest of the group looked at them.

"What did we miss?" Gwen asked as she chuckled slightly, "N-Nothing" Robin said trying to calm down his laughter, "Hey what's funny, come on tell me" Vance said not understanding.

"Nope, it's something for my ears only" Robin said proudly, as Vance rolled his eyes, "Since I said something you tell me something" Finney said as he huffed, "Hmm alright, come here" Robin said to which Finney scooted closer to him.

Robin bent down to his ear, "When I was a kid, I might or might not have mistaken glue for hair gel and poured a whole bottle on my head" Robin whispered in his ear to which Finney quickly looked at him, "No way" Finney said to which Robin nodded.

"I'm serious, I had to cut off all my hair because of it" Robin said to which, Finney had imagined it and looked away as he tried not to laugh loudly.

"Yeah yeah laugh it up" Robin said as he playfully rolled his eyes this only caused Finney to laugh more. As Robin looked at the smile and laughed he slightly blushed a bit but smiled.

Vance watched this, 'Oh I can definitely see where this is going' he thought before he chuckled to himself. Though Soon the bell rung to which they all looked at the school.

Robin laid back, "Do we really have to go back" he questioned, "Yes come on" Finney said as he began to get up, Robin sighed once more and got up as well.

They all cleaned up and walked back in the school, they waved each other off as they left to their classes. "Blueberry boy" Robin suddenly said softly as he remembered the story, to which Finney had a offended look on his face, "glue gel"  Finney said as he crossed his arm to which they looked at each other and started laughing as they walked to their class.

Once they made it to their class they sat in their seats, Robin offered his earphone once again to Finney who gadly took it. They both payed attention and listened to music at the same time

Before they knew it, school was once again over, they all met outside again to walk home. "Bruce you have to come over so you can help me study" Vance said to which Bruce laughed a bit "Fine, but you're not copying my work. You'll do it on your own this time" He said to which Vance groan "Fine" he said reluctantly.

Robin laughed at his suffering while Vance flicked him off. "Hey y'all wanna race?" Robin suddenly asked, Vance quickly perked up "Yes! Anyone who backs out is a pussy" Vance said to which Bruce sighed sadly. "Fine" he said reluctantly, he might play baseball but even so he hates running. 

"Sure I'm in" Finney said as he fixed his backpack, "As if any of you can out run me" Gwen said confidently, "Alright then, ready" Robin started as they all got in running position, "Set" they all started foucsing, "Go!" He shouted to which they all ran off to their neighborhood.

So far In the lead was Gwen, Finney right behind her, third was Robin, fourth was Vance and last being Bruce.

'HOW THE HELL ARE THEY THAT FAST' Vance thought as he didn't expect to end up in fourth place. While Finney was quick to catch up with Gwen and end up in front of her.

Doing this he was the first to make it to the neighborhood. Doing so he slowed down before coming to a complete stop, then it went Gwen, Robin, Vance and Bruce.

Bruce huffed, "Please let's never do that again" he said causing the others to breath out a slight laugh as they all had to catch their breath.

"Seriously though you two are quick, ever considered track" Robin said as they begin walking through their neighborhood. "I have but, it's not my thing" Gwen said to which Robin nodded in understanding.

"Speaking of which, Finney are you gonna try out for baseball?" Bruce asked to which Finney thought about it for awhile, "I don't know, I might" he said as he looked at them and Bruce nodded.

Once they came to their house, they waved to bye to each other. As Bruce we t across the street from Finney and Gwen and Vance we t a house over along with Robin.

Finney sighed slightly as he looked at Gwen who sighed sadly before going around the house, while Finney entered through the front door and closed it.

He Was New (Robin X Finney)Where stories live. Discover now