Losing mind

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Tubbo's pov

I was lost in thoughts. What if Ranboo didn't want to say that, what if he was just mad like I was? 

------------------------Back in the past ------------------------(still tubbo's pov)

I was so mad I don't know why but I was  ..... thinking about my childhood traumas and things like that I forgot that Ranboo was here...He walks in and sits on the couch 'Hey dude what's wrong ' 'Do you care? ' 'Of course, I Do' ranboo said....' No, you don't fucking care no one cares actually !' I start to slowly cry 'hey tubbo don't cry we care about you'  'No you don't ..' 'why does that thing bother you anyway? ' Oh my fucking god can you just shut up ' I screamed and crying at the same time I didn't know what was wrong with me..'You know what I'm sick of this shit tell me what's up with you ' 'you are sick of me huh?' 'maybe ... 'ranboo said 'you- ' 'i didn't mean it tubbo I am sorry don't leave!!' and I ran outside  trying to hold my tears 

-Ranboo's pov- 

And Tubbo ran outside I was shocked what did I just said, I am not sick of him why did I say that?An hour passed and Tubbo didn't come back ... I was more worried ...Should I leave? I come back upstairs to my room and start packing my things  .....Why did I say that I do care so much about Tubbo I LOVE HIM .... Ugh I will just leave ...probably he doesn't wanna see me again. And what if he needs me?  And I'm leaving him like that? I am a horrible person...

>skip time< -----

It was midnight and I was in a hotel room I was still worried about Tubbo, what if something bad will gonna happened to him ...

--------Back to present --------- A/N ( I'm losing motivation ) 

Tubbo's pov 

I was sitting on the bathroom's floor and a few tears slipped down my cheeks... I miss him so bad why did I run like a child? Is he sick of me?  I hope he will forgive me one day ... I went back in my room and start scrolling on my phone until someone calls me it was.... Wilbur? Hm... ' Hi Tubbo what's up? ' 'Mhm.. good' 'Uh- are you ok man you sound like you were crying ...' 'Huh i-i'm not what do you mean??' 'Tubbo what's wrong you can tell me' 'Well ..let's meet and talk about that face to face' 'Okk where and when ?' 'hm tomorrow at 1 pm or something at a coffee  ' ' Ok see you tomorrow ' 'ok bye' 'bye' and I ended the call ... I don't know how I will explain to Wilbur everything? it will be weird should I tell him the truth? He is my friend ... Man I need Tommy right now ... This overthinking hurts ..my head hurts ... I THINK IM LOOSING MY MIND and no one can help me... 

A/N heyyyy soo sorry for any mistake I am trying my best :D


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