Streaming day

274 11 2

TW: Clingy duo being the clingy duo

Tubbo's Pov

M kay good morning to myself, it's early, why did I wake up now? What I'm going to do until I'm going to Tommy? What should I eat? I'm asking too many questions. I went down to the kitchen and tryna make myself some food. After eating, I went back to my room and opened my phone. I scrolled through Twitter then I received a message from Tommy
Messaging time~

Tommy: Heiiiii Tubbooo I have so many plans >:)))).

                                                                                                                                                                           Tubbo: What?

Tommy: So do you remember my hacking mouse??
                                                                                                                                                                     Tubbo: I think so

Tommy: Well it's done

                                                                                                                                                               Tubbo: Yooooooo

Tommy: I know :) so Can you come?
                                                                                                                                                                   Tubbo: Sure!

And I go to the bathroom and I take a shower I brushed my hair and then I changed real quick. So I left the house and walk to Tommy's place. After 20 minutes I arrived and I went in.
''Hi big man Tubs"

" Hi Toms," I said with joy in my voice

"So here are the plans for today, first we're gonna make a true or lie thing then we can put Twitcher's names on papers and try to guess who it is by miming them, saying something they had say, and definite them in a word, and then the hacking mouse "

"Sounds good to me"

"Oh and do you like my price bottle " he showed me a white battle with some words saying: "Proud to be gay " or something then I start to laugh and he join in. We set up the stream on his channel and we start streaming: 

''Hello'' we said at the same time 

''So hello boys, today we're making a challenge. If we lie we lose then we're gonna do a guess the streamer'' Tommy said 

And I took the bowl with all the papers ''Look there are so many '' 

TW: little skip time

''Do  you think  Life by the sea was a good song ?'' Tommy stays silent for awhile

''I think Life by the sea was a great song''

''Do you actually?'' I asked 

''Bring in it ''


''Stop asking this fucking questions Tubbo'' Tommy said while pulling me on the floor 


''Aeee'' i screamed

''It's my brand!''


''I worked so hard on it ''

''Aeee'' I screamed again



''Say you're sorry'' Tommy said

''Say you're sorry '' Tommy repeats

''I'm sorry''



''YEAH, I'm gonna beat you now !'' and he hit the table and I screamed to make a dramatic effect then we laugh like the idiots we were 

The real scene here

And after we finished we sat in silence... for so long the minutes were like hours until Tommy broke the silence 

''So did you have fun?''

''Yep probably someone is gonna make and edit when you put me on the floor and start to beat me'' I said rolling my eyes 

''HEHEHE'' Tommy laughs maniacally  ''MUHAHAHA'' he continued 

''You really don't know how to laugh'' I said

''Oh come on you can't laugh better''

''Oh I can ''

''Then show me your laugh''

''Okie Dokie , *cough cough* muhahaha''  Tommy drifted to laugh like historical

'' You're laughing  way worse than me'' Tommy said 

'' Shut up dickhead'' I said giggling and then I had a flashback with Ranboo when he was cooking... Oh, Ranboo how much I loved you  I only know ... Come back, please...  I need you ... I didn't realize I was quiet for so long 

''Are you ok Tubbo?'' 

''Mhm, I should go home''

'' Ok... bye Tubs ''

''Bye Tommy'' 

I waved to him from the door and then I closed the door and start to ran... I ran and I ran I couldn't stop... I didn't know where I'm going ... I did not care if anyone was looking I felt like I was the only person in the world just me with myself nobody else everything was blurred... In my mind was a single tough Ranboo I miss him so bad I can't just forget him and left him in the past like a forgotten read book... I stopped running and walk slowly to the same bench Wilbur found me drunk I sat down and take my phone out of my pocket put my headphones and start playing the same music over and over again Fallen Down by Toby Fox... such an amazing song... But something interrupted the song a call? Wilbur? Oh no did he see me there he is gonna ask me if I'm ok and I'm definitely not... I don't wanna talk to him rn so I just canceled the call and put in another song from Ranboo's profile one of his playlists that he used to sleep listening to these songs. All of the songs seemed like they were made for him... This is how I'll live my life listening to his playlists over and over again, thinking about him every second ... Not an interesting life I guess? My thoughts were interrupted by a tall man whit brown hair looking at me it was Wilbur...

A/N: oK so I finished another chapter and I can't believe I have 200+ reads I'm so happy:DDD and sorry for any mistakes I'm trying my best have a good day/night 


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