chapter 3, Xiao and Aether

883 14 3

'text' - thoughts
All Caps - shouting/screaming
[Character]: text - speaking

No ones POV,
As Aether made his way to Liyue he was thinking about how he and Xiao would most likely cuddle the entire day, but as he was deep in thought he didn't really notice that a few Adepti were keeping an eye on him.

Keqing's POV,
'Me, the other Adepti and the Liyue Qixing were discussing a certain rumor that was going around Teyvat.' (Shenhe was tasked to inform them of the meeting) 'Me, Ganyu and Xiao were tasked to keep an eye on him we don't really believe the rumor since he literally helped us! but just incase, we should still watch him. You can never be to sure, right now he seems to be going to Wangshu inn as soon as he enters Xiao will keep an eye on him.'
Aether enters Wangshu inn and Keqing leaves, Aether immediately goes to his and Xiao's shared room after waving a hello to Verr Goldet.

Aether's POV,
As soon as I entered the room Xiao tackled me to the ground. Aether: Hey Xiao, I missed you to. Xiao: Why did it take so long! In the letter you send me it said that it would only take a month and not two! Aether: I'm sorry there was a potion side affect so I had to stay a little longer... but now that I'm here we can cuddle! Not to mention on the way here I made some Almond tofu for you. As soon as I said that he looked at me with his adorable cat eyes basically demanding that I give it to him. Aether: If you get off I will set the table so that we can eat. Xiao got off and I started setting the table, when Xiao asked why I had bandages around my chest. Xiao: Sooo who do I have to murder in order to make the person pay for hurting you? Aether: E-EH YOU DON'T HAVE TO MURDER ANYONE PLEASE!!!! IT WAS SIDE EFFECT. Xiao: Are you sure because I wouldn't mind "scaring" someone. Aether: Xiao, love, kitten, love of my life please, for the love of Rex Lapis please don't murder anyone, as I said it was just a side effect. Aether sets down a plate and gives Xiao a kiss on the cheek, they both sit down at the table and began planning their afternoon. After they had lunch. Xiao: So are we gonna cuddle now?! Aether: Love I have to do the dishes first. Xiao: NO no you can do that later you promised that we were gonna cuddle after we ate! Aether: Okay okay fine let me just put them in the sink and then we can cuddle. Xiao: Fine but I demand that I get to play with your hair! I'll wait on the bed. After Aether finished putting the dishes away he immediately went to the bedroom. (He already had his shoes off and was walking around the room on his socks and yes I did make Xiao act more clingy towards Aether because he would be that stone cold friend from the outside but once you get to know him you'll see the more clingy side) Xiao: Took you long enough now come here. Aether: It didn't take that long kitten. Xiao: Yes it did now come here doll. They cuddle the entire afternoon and Xiao plays with Aether's hair as he promised, meanwhile Aether is planning to take Xiao on a date.

-The next day-

Aether: Hey Love I was thinking do you wanna go on a date? Xiao flustered: A-alright sure sounds fun so when and where is this date going to be? Aether: The date will be this weekend on Saturday around eight PM and the place will be a secret. Xiao: But I want to know where its going to be so I can make sure its safe! Aether: Well your going to know once we are there. Aether says that as he leans in and kisses Xiao on the lips. Aether: Now Almond Tofu, Chicken Tofu Pudding or Crab Roe Tofu? Xiao: Chicken Tofu Pudding, you make it taste delicious. Aether: Alright I'll make you some.

-Time skip to Saturday eight PM cuz I am Lazy-

Aether: So are you ready to go? Xiao: Mmh so were are we going exactly? Aether: That is for me to know and for you to see :). Xiao: *pouting* fine fine, so can we just go now I wanna see where you'll take me. Aether: 'so impatient' Alright follow me. As Xiao and Aether leave for there date at Lingju Pass. 


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