The capturing

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As I smoothly make my way behind a bush, stalking the stag as it grazes. I slowly snuck behind the stag but before I had a chance to attack, it noticed me and ran, I ran after it and pounced while in the air I twisted my body into a spin which turned into a double front-flip and landed onto the stag. My body weight caught it off-guard which made it trip and fall onto the hard ground. I growl low into its ear and sink my shiny sharp canine teeth into its delicious neck, its blood oozing into my mouth as I ripped apart its flesh and crunching through its ever so delicious bones.

"Mmm, delicious deer, my favorite." I said after licking my blood-stained lips.

Feeling a cool breeze on my fur and the wonderful sounds of nature pass through my big fluffy ears as they rotate from forward to the side of my head, too bad I have to go back into hiding, who knows what is out there to tear my tender flesh and bones apart and my head getting carried and put on a shelf as their trophy. Not today, no way no how. I listen once more for any suspicious sound, I start to run as quietly as I possibly can to not attract any movement from my paws as they hit the ground. 

Finally, home at last, I make sure that nothing follows me, seems ok for now. Walking into the front entrance of my den my ears twitch and rotates towards the direction I'm facing

"Mama? Are you home?" My 15 year old daughter yells out.

"Hi Maya!" I yell out, relieved.

"How was hunting? Were there any deer?" She starts questioning me.

"Yes there were a few deer and the hunt was a success! I took down one of the biggest stags!" I said in a confident tone. 

The look on Maya's face was hilarious, she had her tongue sticking out with saliva sliding down it and onto her chin, then we both heard a growl, but it wasn't from outside, it was her stomach!

Maya blushed red and covered her growling belly while I laughed.

"It's not funny mama!" She said while making a cute little grumpy face.

"Haha, I'm sorry hon, you must be starving! I brought some of the meat for you." I said happily. 

"I'll be in my office if you need me." Walking towards the room.

"Ok mama! I'll be here haha!" She says while stuffing her face.

I make my way into my office and sit down on my rolly poly chair but before I open my desk drawer I freeze, staring down at the floor while my mind is filled with so many thoughts. Why would this happen? Is there something wrong with me? Why would they be so cruel?? Then before I knew it I quickly snapped out of it and started on paperwork as I usually do after a hunt. Stacking the papers into a neat pile the ground starts shaking again

"Those awful people think they can lure us out? Heh, not if I have something to do about it." I sighed in frustration

I go towards my closet and load my AK-47 assault rifle, one of the best assault rifles there is in my opinion. All you need to do is pull the trigger, which releases the hammer that strikes the firing pin. The firing pin will then strike the primer of your cartridge and ignite the propellants within. 

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