Dancing in the Rain - Hooketon

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Hooke had just gotten home from a pretty crappy day. He originally went out for a walk, but it got interrupted by some heavy rain. While he was speed walking home, he bumped into a lady, and the lady didn't take that very lightly. Ended up getting lectured for 3 minutes. When he finally got away from the lady, he fell face first into a puddle of water, and soaked his whole head. Then on top of all of that, it was cold and thunder storming. So overall a pretty depressing day.




Hooke set his coat on the back of a random chair to be washed later, and toed off his shoes. He walked over to a cabinet with towels in them and dried his hair off. One reason he never did this and just air dried his hair was that his hair was naturally fluffy as it is, so when something is brushing aggressively against it, you can tell how that goes. He set the towel in a basket near his bedroom door and walked over to his couch. He flopped down and closed his eyes, trying to find some solace in this terrible afternoon. He eventually fell asleep to the sounds of rain pattering against the windows.




Hooke was shaken awake by frantic knocking at his door. He looked over at his pocket watch and groaned. He eventually got up when another set of heavy knocks hit his door.

"Alright, alright! I'm coming!" Hooke exclaimed as he opened the door, only to get a fist to his nose.

"Ouch! Whatever was that for?" Hooke glared at the person at the door, only to go wide eyed instead. A one Isaac Newton stood at his door, an apologetic look in his eyes.

"Ah, sorry, Hooke. I am here because- well- I thought that maybe I could stay here while the storm passes? My house is further away from here and I figured you'd let me stay as- AH!"

Hooke yanked him inside, slamming the door shut.

"I know that isn't all. Spit. It. Out, Newton. Why else are you here? Do you want to steal another one of my ideas? Because if that's the case then by all means, go ahead. I'm already forgotten as it is, thanks to you."

"That- is not why I'm here at all. I simply just wanted to stay here until the storm passes, as I said previously. Though, that does sound like a good idea if the offer still stands," Newton smirked. Hooke let out a genuine laugh, but only for a second.

"There we go! There's the Hooke I know and love!" Hooke flushed slightly.

"Um... here- let me get this for you," Hooke said as he walked towards Newton to take his coat off. He went behind him and peeled the coat off of him, with some struggles.

"C'mon, Newt. You've got to help me here."

"Eh. Don't want to." This made Hooke groan. Newton chuckled and slid the coat off. Hooke's fingers brushed against Newton's arms, and he kept them there. He suddenly glided his hands up Newton's arms, and slowly massaged his shoulders. Hooke rested his forehead against Newtons back and sighed.

Newton let out a groan, and spoke up.

"Why, pray tell, are you doing this?"

"I'm so tired, Isaac. I'm tired of everything."

"...That- doesn't necessarily answer my question, Robert."

"I-" Hooke hesitated. Why was he doing this? After everything this jerk put him through? Hooke ignored his thoughts and decided to lift the mood.

"I'm not sure why I am... I'll decide later." This made Newton laugh, and Hooke laughed along. He felt Newton turn around in his hands, which were lingering now closer to his throat. But he didn't pull away until Newton spoke up.

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