16-What Really Made My Day

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1. Someone said she like my outfit right after I was just thinking I didn't look nice today

2. I got to hang out with my friend during lunch that is usually busy during lunch

3. My dog came up and laid on my feet

4. A friend I don't see often jumped me while I was walking

5. There was some cheesecake left when I got home

6. I finished my math homework 

8. Someone knew me well enough to know where my necklace was from

9. A song I really like played

10. I got a response from someone I've been waiting to text me back

11. My friends made me laugh

12. My little brother said hi to me at school

13. My least favorite class seemed to go a little faster than normal 

14. I got to see my favorite little kids

15.  My little sister was in a better mood than she has been for the last few days

16. There were yellow leaves on the ground at my house

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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