Your Boyfriend

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Here is the awaited new Naruto book! 

This time with the leaf jounin/sensei!!! 

Hopefully this one lasts as long as the Akatsuki one has/did XD 


You were a citizen of the leaf, that much was plain to see. You, thankfully, were not in possession of any extraordinary traits that brought a spotlight to your figure. No, you could easily blend in with the rest of the populace when you wanted but also stick out like the sorest of thumbs when you chose to as well. You had your talents and insecurities...your beauty and faults, but while such things came in balance - namely one made you smile while the other did had something orbiting around you that was even more dear to you.

You had somehow snagged yourself quite the boyfriend.

It doesn't really matter how, not in this sequence, but what does is how he adores you and you adore him. He made your days endlessly better, gave you something more to look forward to, a reason to be giddy as well as being an encouragement to keep on living and being just who you are without fear. For he loved you for simply being your own special self.

while your boyfriend was hard to explain, at times, to another- just how he cares for knew it to be undeniably true. Sometimes the white-haired man aced more akin to a cat. Always wanting your attention then suddenly not wanting affection, only to instead forcibly give you attention. Other times he was extremely patient and cautious. 

You assumed there was trauma somewhere behind those charcoal iris' causing this flip flop. But you never felt unloved by him. Just that sometimes it was a good steady amount of love and others it was a heaping amount.

you always had quite the case on your hands in regard to your boyfriend. Awkward, unsure, patient, gentle...just a few words the described your situation. You understood that your boyfriend had very little experience with any kind of relationship, as he told you so right off the bat, but you couldn't explain a feeling to another being. 

Thankfully Yamato erred on the side of corny 'lovey dovey' rather than standoff ish. He got flustered relatively easily but one second later could be 100% serious and his gaze would be looking deep into your soul. There were also times where he took more of a caretaker role, although he was trying to be romantic. In the end it is like a sugary sweet little ride with him

ever gentle, ever responsible, ever supportive. Your boyfriend understood quite a bit about all kinds of relationships due to his teaching experience. He understood when and where he needed to encourage or soothe. 

It was almost like the perfect, smooth ride, relationship had landed in your lap. Most of the relationship is effortless, you easily mesh into one another. Although on occasion you do get a glimpse of the stubborn, loud teacher that the students feared discipline from...

The biggest ball of energy on the planet. Which is a good thing as well as a bad. Sometimes you were swept up in his whirlwind of childish antics and you giggled the entire way. Him fueling with his excited energy right into one of your own. Other times his energy made you feel so tired and sluggish, you'd beg him to calm down and be reasonable. 

For better or worse, Gai did everything at 100%. This meant he tried his best to be romantic, to be attentive, to be supportive, to encourage, and to rile up 'youthful' energy from within you. However, this also meant the few times you quarreled were done with max passion too...Yet it was never a dull moment.

Your lover was quite the laid-back man, and often didn't seem to mind as to what you two did together, or where you went or anything of the like. Although he let you practically choose anything you wanted and to have most of the say so in your relationship, he also wouldn't keep his lips zipped if he had an opinion. Always as blunt as ever, sometimes you'd get into tit-for-tats over the randomest of things. 

But...all in all he always wanted you happy. Although you definitely had to share your time with him not only with his team but with his favourite kid, Shikamaru. You, thusly, made it a point to at least be on relatively close good terms with the boy -you knew it'd make Asuma happy.

Izumo and Kotetsu:
(this part I'm writing both together since you'd have to be on very good terms with the other for this relationship to fucking work at all. They're joined at the hip)

Regardless of which of these two is your actual boyfriend, you're more or less stuck dating both. The men are rarely seen apart, and those few moments are at times spent with you alone. Izumo is a mature boyfriend - he's on the quiet side and doesn't mind letting you set the pace...but he also has no qualms with taking the reigns when you're stuck or unsure either. 

He's used to semi-parenting his best friend so what's one more person he has to keep an eye on? Although he definitely is the serious type, Izumo also is plenty fun and with no hesitation will try to make you happy and giddy.

Kotetsu much more loosey-goosey. He often gets himself in trouble, although usually nonsense in the end of it. Your time spent alone with him end in laughter, shenanigans and goofy behaviour...although that doesn't mean that Kotetsu is a complete class clown. He can be quite serious when he needs to be, which he definitely tries to be more when Izumo isn't around and its only the two of you.

Your cool-headed boyfriend, while never really one to clown around, is quite the sass master. He'll make the wise crack at anything he sees fit too, including you on occasion - much to your usual displeasure. But despite the sassy stabs, he is always there for you as a safe unyielding pillar. 

You didn't get what you ordered? He'll take care of it. and returns with exactly what you asked for. 

Some jerk made a snarky comment at you at work? you'll never see the man again - and if you do the individual will barely glance at you. 

You in a sobby mood? all good, your boy here is all for a 4-8 hour cuddle-movie long as he doesn't have work. Which on occasion will call in if you're really not doing well. Expect him doing stuff for you then shrugging at you like he did the simplest of actions.


Heads up though, this will be a slow update while I focus on nearing the end of the Akatsuki BF scenario book. 

That being said, I will be putting a couple chapters up at once tonight so that there isn't just this chapter (I hate just seeing one in a book lmao)


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