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The journey back to the caves was tough. Arthur was in worse shape than any of them wanted to admit. It took a long time just to get him up on a horse. It was a slow trip. Any quick movement of his horse sent a wave of agony through him.

After his first few quiet hisses of pain, had he be capable of turning around, he would have seen The Mage's eyes the liquid chocolate color of his horse's for much of the journey as she took control of the beast. Horses could be unpredictable at the best of times, and though it was taxing for her to hold the connection for so long, it ensured Arthur suffered as little as possible as they crossed the rocky terrain.

It was late when they returned. They rode their mounts straight into the main room of the cave system. Arthur sat still for a few moments, drawing in a few deep breaths to brace and prepare himself. When he opened his eyes, Bedivere was standing beside his horse, reaching for him.

Arthur accepted the help, but barely managed to bite back the grimace as his ribs sent another wave of agony through him. The pain stole his breath and he braced a hand against the horse's side. The creature held unnaturally still as it seemed to wait for him, and he slowly lifted his head with a frown directed at the animal. Horses just didn't behave that way. He stared hard into its eyes that watched him with an intelligence no horse should possess. His frown deepened as he slowly turned towards The Mage and he opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted.

"Al'right there, mate?"

Arthur's head snapped around in disbelief to see Back Lack and Wet Stick striding towards them. Arthur limped forward a step in shock. He turned back to Bedivere. "How-?" he started and stopped, shaking his head in disbelief. He had been so sure his friends and family were lost to him.

"The girls are here too," Wet Stick said. "But they're sleeping. This lot expected you back ages age," he said, gesturing to a few of the rebels who milled around and those who had come out to welcome them.

"You look like death mate," Back Lack said, taking a step closer to Arthur. He frowned at his friend in concern.

"How are you here?" Arthur asked again in disbelief.

Behind them, Rubio cleared his throat politely before stepping forward to answer the Born King's question. "The Mage asked us to look out for your people and bring them here," Rubio said, coming up behind Arthur's friends. "Gave us quite the tongue lashing for not doing it in the first place actually. You have our apology," Rubio said holding out his hand.

Arthur was stunned, The Mage had done this. He shook the young man's hand automatically, but his thoughts were racing. He had only mentioned his family to her once in passing and it had been the first night they met. He hadn't imagined she would have remembered, much less demanded the rebels actually do something about it.

Arthur turned around, looking for her. Once they had come back into the large group of rebels The Mage had stepped back, giving everyone room. She was trying to make her way out of the large group that seemed to make her so uncomfortable.

Arthur took a fast, painful step after her and reached out, touching her wrist gently but not restraining. She turned and he dropped his hand immediately. When she met his gaze she froze, her hazel eyes inscrutable.

"Thank you," he said sincerely.

The Mage found herself nodding, although her breath had caught in her throat unexpectedly at his closeness. The sincerity in his eyes was so intense she found herself trapped like a bird held in the gaze of a viper.

"Thank you for making sure my family is safe," he said the words again so she would believe him.

She swallowed hard and nodded again. "Make sure you get some sleep. You need to heal. You're no good to us dead," she snapped, pleased her voice had sounded so level.

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