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Joshie was sitting down on his bed, watching his tablet. He waiting for a special announcement for something with the candy bars,Twix. Which was his favorite candy. Rocky then came in to see what his brother was doing.

Rocky: hey Joshie, whatcha watching?

Joshie: I'm waiting for a special announcement from the Twix company, they said that it was important

Rocky: nice! Can I watch with you? I'm kinda bored

Joshie: sure!

Rocky: Sweet! Thanks buddy

Joshie: no problem

Rocky hopped on the bed, sitting down next to his brother. As they waited for the announcement, Joshie couldn't wait for it. He was getting a little ancy. Finally, it was out as they listened carefully.

Manager: fellow Twix fans ummm.........we have unfortunately don't have good news

Joshie: *smile slowly disappearing* h..huh?

Manager: we have been informed that Twix is banned everywhere. So, if you really love Twix.....I am deeply sorry

After the announcement was over, Joshie already had tears build up in his eyes.

Rocky: are you ok Joshie?

Joshie: *sniffs* uh huh......*tears flow*

Rocky: you sure your..............

Joshie immediately plopped his body on the bed while begging to cry out tears. Rocky felt extremely bad for him. His favorite thing was being banned, and that didn't sit right.

Rocky: hey hey, it's gonna be ok buddy. Everything's gonna be okay, I promise

Joshie: I..it won't *continues crying*

Rocky: it will, and we'll see

Joshie: h... how?

Rocky: well..............I can help cheer you up, I'm always great at that

Joshie: *sniffs* I....I appreciate it

Rocky: anything to see my pal happy again

Rocky decided to take him to the toy store and get something, hopefully to make Joshie happy again. Plushies always make him feel better, as he found some Wolf plushies. He chose one as Rocky choosed another and went to the checkout.

Employee: hey there guys

Rocky: hi

Joshie: h..hi

Employee: is your brother ok, Rocky?

Rocky: *whispering to her* did you know about Twix being... you know what?

Employee: oooooooohhhhhhh

Rocky: yeah. So now, I'm helping him cheer up

Employee: aww that's really nice of you to do for your brother

Rocky: what can I say, it's my thing

Employee: well I do hope you feel better Joshie and I'm really sorry about what happened

Joshie: thanks

They said their goodbyes and went out of the store, going towards their mothers car and getting in.

J&R Mother: how are you doing Joshie?

Joshie: feeling slightly better

Rocky: hmmmm..........I know what will cheer you up bro

Joshie: really?

Rocky: ARCADE!!!!!!!

Joshie: yeah, this place does make me feel better!!!!!

Joshie ran all over the place, going from one machine to the next. Happily playing all of them. Rocky was smiling at this knowing, he managed to cheer his brother right up.

Joshie: wow!!! I had the best time ever with you bro!!!!

Rocky: of course, your My brother and best friend buddy, and I always make sure that my pal is happy

Joshie: and I appreciate it, I can't even remember what I was even sad in the first pla............

?: I wish they would bring Twix back, man I love that candy bar

Joshie: o..oh

Rocky: I'm really sorry this happened bud. If I could do it, I would help get Twix back

Joshie: if there was some way we could

Rocky and Joshie: hmmmmmmm *gasps* THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!

Rocky: you thinking what I am thinking buddy?

Joshie: Road trip!!!!!

Rocky: YEAH!!!!! let's do this thing!!!!!

They decide to head on over to the Twix factory to convince them that Twix shouldn't be banned or taken away from anyone. When they arrived, Joshie decided to distract the guards, while Rocky ran inside.

Rocky: sound like a plan?

Joshie: *gulps* I..I guess

Rocky: hey, don't you worry about it Jo-Bro. We got this right budster?

Joshie: yeah....of course!

Rocky: Perfect!!! Now let's do this

The guards were still checking for any intruders, until Joshie came up to them, causing a distraction.

?: What are you doing here kid?

Joshie: u..ummm showing you some magic?

?: Hey!! I love magic!!!!

?: Yeah!!! Show us something cool!!!

Joshie: oh.... okay

Rocky: good, plan is working

Rocky ran into the building as the door shut behind him, he turned around to see the factory in all it's glory.

Rocky: wow, this is so cool

Manager: what do you think you're doing here?

Rocky: *gasps* l.. look, my brother and me wanted to know why Twix is being banned?

Manager: *sighs* nobody is buying it anymore or cared about it

Rocky: but my brother does

Manager: he does?!?!

Rocky: yeah, he's really upset that it is being banned

Manager: huh. Tell you what, I give you guys some Twix bars every single day

Rocky: that would mean the world to my brother, thanks sir!

Manager: your welcome little one

Rocky was given a create of them, making his way outside to tell Joshie.

Rocky: Joshie!?! Look what I got!?!

Joshie: TWIX!!!!!!

runs over to Rocky, giving him a big hug.

Joshie: thanks Rocky

Rocky: no problem pal, anything for my best brother

Two Guards: awwwwwwww

?: *Sniffs* so heartwarming

Everyone ended up laughing as Joshie knew that, he was still going to be able to have his favorite candy bar after all.

The End.

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