Meet the (Crazy but Awesome) Team Part 2

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Here we go! Part 2! Time for Azur Lane to react to our favorite crazy, rocket-jumping American. This can also be seen as a tribute from me to the legend himself, Rick May.

Voice: Alright! The video is starting now.

The video starts off with a close-up shot of a man in a gas mask, blasting his flamethrower at the camera on top of some crates. The man in blue then celebrates until he gets blown up by a rocket from offscreen. The man grunted in pain as he got hit.

Everyone was taken aback a bit.

Enterprise: Excuse me? I didn't know there would be blood and gore in this.

Me: Always has been.

Q.E: This immediately made the previous video look tame. At least that video didn't have any on-screen blood or gore.

Me: Trust me. If you think this is bad enough, y'all haven't seen nothing yet.

The scene then switches to another person standing on top of a relatively small hill, drinking something...... until he gets blown up by another rocket too.

Bismarck: Wer feuert all diese Raketen ab? (Who is firing all these rockets?)

Me: Soldier, duh.

The scenes then shifts to the big man from the previous video doing a finger gun stunt before being blown up by a rocket.

Belfast: Was that the same guy from the last video?

Nagato: たぶんそうだ (I guess so)

The falling body parts then act as a transition to a title card with the words 'Meet the Soldier' in a big font size, accompanied by the same tune as heard previously in 'Meet the Scout'. The scene then cuts to a red guy wearing a military hat acting as a drill sergeant. Some blue military hats can be seen in the foreground.

The man then begins to speak.

[V] Soldier: If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!

[V] Soldier: Sun Tzu said that, and I'd say he knows a little more about fighting than you do, pal because he invented it. And then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honor.

Belfast: Sun Tzu? Who's that?

Voice: He was a Chinese military general, strategist, philosopher and writer/author of the work 'The Art of War', a treatise on military strategy, who lived during the eastern Zhou period. So, in a way, he DID invent the art of fighting as what Soldier said. (Thanks Google)

Everyone nodded their head.

Me: Wow. Azur Lane actually agreed with Soldier's words? MADNESS!!!

The scene then cuts to Soldier screaming like a mad man while holding a shovel in his right hand. It then cuts to a camera following Soldier from behind as he shoots someone. A blue thing lands behind Soldier and explodes moments later but Soldier avoided it. Soldier then equips his trusty RPG. Suddenly, a voice could be heard telling Soldier to turn left. The camera then cuts to someone appearing on Soldier's left standing on top of something. Soldier responds to this by turning and facing towards the person, yelling "MAGGOT!!!" before shooting a rocket at him. The camera continues to follow Soldier until he reaches to the open battlefield where mayhem ensues.

Enterprise: This definitely looks like the typical battle that happens back in our world.

Kirov: согласовано (Agreed)

The scenes then switches back to Soldier talking.

[V] Soldier: Then, he used his fight money to buy 2 of every animal on Earth. And then, he herded them onto a boat. And the, he beat the crap out of every single one.

Soldier bangs 2 grenades together as he is saying that.

Eugen: Hat er das wirklich getan? Wenn ja, ist das sehr männlich von ihm~ (Did he really do that? If so, that's very manly of him~)

Prinz Eugen says in a teasing tone.

Voice: I don't think he did. I think it was someone else but I don't know who.

Me: I don't know either. Can you guys tell me? Was it Noah or someone else?

The scene then changes back to the camera following Soldier from behind. Soldier then suddenly uses his RPG to launch himself up onto a higher platform, planning to ambush the enemy.

Everyone was shocked at how Soldier was still alive after shooting a rocket at his feet.

Nagato: 彼はどうやってまだ生きているのですか? (How is he still alive?)

Me: Mans just built different. That's why.

Q.E: I know right?! Never mind the fact that that rocket somehow propelled him into the air.

Voice: Video game logic, that's why.

Enterprise: *in an annoyed tone* Of course that would be the reason why. How else would explain it.

The camera continues to follow Soldier until he jumps down onto 2 unsuspecting people, blowing them up. Suddenly, a man materializes out of thin air in an attempt to stab Soldier in the back but Soldier pulls an UNO reverse card and turns around and whacks the man in the face with his shovel.

Bismarck: Habe ich gerade einen Geist gesehen? (Did I just see a ghost?) *referring to Spy*

Kirov: Я почти уверен, что он был невидим (I'm pretty sure he was invisible)


The scene cuts back to Soldier talking once again

[V] Soldier: (chuckling) And from that day forwards, anytime a bunch of animals are together in one place, it's called a ZOO!

The scene then cuts to show a bunch of heads lined up on a fence. One head falls off the fence.

This scene scared the girls.

Enterprise: That's.... horrifying.

Q.E: Can't imagine if OUR heads were on that fence....

Belfast: Please, Your Majesty. Don't put that imagery in my head.

Kirov: Тот парень был ответственен за это? (Was that guy responsible for this?)

Kirov said in a scared tone.

Bismarck: Nicht einmal wir würden so etwas tun (Not even we would do such a thing)

Eugen: Dieser Mann braucht vielleicht etwas Hilfe (This man might need some help)

Nagato said nothing and stayed silent. Only visible fear and disgust could be seen on her face.

The scene then cuts to the same ending like in Scout's video but the camera was zooming away from Soldier's face instead. Everything else was the same as Scout's video.

Voice: And that was the introduction to Soldier. What do you girls think?

No one said anything.

Voice: I see that you guys are visibly distraught by what you just saw. So, you guys will take a short break to compose yourselves.

The girls nodded.

To be continued...

Yo. Thanks for reading this chapter. I don't really have anything else to say other than this. The girls are going to get nightmares from this next mercenary. Let's just say.... his passion for 'helping' people is very FIERY . And he's going to make sure everyone knows it. Including the kansens.

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