Here we go. The last mercenary in the TF2 franchise. The French enthusiast of sharp suits and even sharper knives, hailing from an indeterminate region of France, the Spy.
Voice: Ready?
Belfast: Yes. we're ready.
Voice: Alright, I'll play the video now.
Video starts.
The video starts off with a blue alarm ringing like crazy. Then, the camera cuts to different blue colored boxes lighting up, forming a sentence which says "INTRUDER ALERT. RED SPY IN BASE"
Enterprise: Wow. What an intro. Starting off with an alarm?
The camera then zooms out to show BLU Soldier.
[V] BLU Soldier: A Red Spy's in the base!?
The scene then cuts to Soldier grabbing a shotgun off a wall before running down the stairs in a hurry to protect the briefcase.
[V] Announcer: Protect the briefcase!
[V] BLU Solider: (while running) We need to protect the briefcase!
Bismarck: Ich frage mich, was ist so besonders an einer Aktentasche? (I wonder what's so special about a briefcase?)
Kirov: Вероятно, он содержит главные секреты, которые могут принести пользу врагам. (It probably contains major secrets that can benefit the enemies.)
Just then, a voice can be heard offscreen
[V] BLU Scout: (while tugging the door) Yo! A little help here?
BLU Soldier runs up to BLU Scout to help him.
[V] BLU Soldier: (pushes BLU Scout aside) I got it, I got it. Stand back son.
BLU Soldier then inserts the passcode to open the door
[V] BLU Soldier: 1-1-1 uhhhmmmm... 1!
Q.E: Wait. Shouldn't BLU Scout know the passcode too? Was he not told about it? Why would he not know the passcode?
Nagato: 短期記憶喪失?(Short-term memory loss?)
BLU Scout then says something before being interrupted by BLU Heavy running up to them from behind yelling "INCOMING!" BLU Scout and Soldier screams before BLU Heavy crashes all of them through the door into the room where the briefcase is being held.
Eugen: Nun, das ist eine Möglichkeit, in einen Raum zu kommen (Well, that's one way to get into a room)
Enterprise: Yeah. Kool-Aid Man style.
Surprise to them, the briefcase is still here as they had though the briefcase had been stolen.
[V] BLU Scout: Hey, it's still here!
[V] BLU Heavy: what the?
Suddenly, a coughing voice from behind can be heard, alerting BLU Scout and Heavy. The camera then reveals a man wearing a blue ski mask in a sharply dressed suit. He was also carrying something on his shoulder.
[V] ???: Gentlemen?
Belfast: Is that the Spy?
Voice: BLU Spy? Yes.
Q.E: Where's the red one then?
Voice: You'll see him in action later.
The usual title card pops up on screen with the words 'Meet the Spy' in big.
Reaction Lane
RandomSo, I've been reading a few Azur Lane stories here on Wattpad but I've never seen that many stories involving Azur Lane characters reacting to some stuff so I've decided to take it upon myself to change that. And yes, I'm aware of the SCP one. In fa...