06 || Analyze

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Vi ran into the hangar, passing by occupied Foot soldiers who were organizing the interior of their large home. The young woman walked until she noticed her sister Rory walking up in a sad manner, her face swollen and beaten with fresh bruises and scratches. The dark-haired teenager sees her wounded sibling, knowing that the punishment has been done. "Rory?

Rory doesn't acknowledge her sister, she just keeps her eyes forward and walks into the darkened hangar. She must be very embarrassed. But what also bothered her was that Shredder was beginning to see Violetta as the perfect child which created jealousy inside Rory.

Violetta will catch up with her sister later--she needs to find Shredder and give him the mission report. When she made it to his personal room in the hangar where two soldiers guarded the entrance, she says, "Requesting permission to enter."

One of the soldiers knocks on the door to notify Shredder that a visitor is coming in to see him. As soon as the door opens, Vi walks in proudly, feeling confident about giving her father the update. "Sensei." Vi said, shutting the door behind her. She can see Shredder with his armor off, only wearing a black gi as he made himself some freshly made hot tea. "I've returned."

Shredder sets the teapot down on the counter and turns to see his daughter standing in the middle of the room, only a few candles lighting it up. "So," He began, his thick scars revealed to Violetta with a goatee beard and a full head of jet-black hair. He may not be biologically related to Vi or Rory, but he considered them his children... with a ton of conditional love. "My daughter," Shredder says, circling her with no intentions of harming her. "You've impressed me tonight with your mission. Karai tells me you've succeeded in toying with the Turtles."

Vi nodded happily, trying to hide her smile. "Thank you, Sensei." She says, her hands behind her back, standing tall.

"Now that mission one is complete, I expect you to begin mission two." He says. "Win over their trust."

"Yes, Sen--" But she didn't understand this. "Sensei? I thought I was supposed to toy with my prey and then--"

Shredder stopped her. "While you were out, I had an excellent idea." His tone isn't aggressive but filled with joy and confidence in this new plan of his. Of course, his daughter will perform his dirty work. Shredder needed to be calm with Vi or else his temper that's filled with impatience will only cause a ton of stress on her. If she is calm and free of stress, then Violetta might complete mission number two without a problem. He continues to tell Vi of this plan. "If you win over their trust, then you will move in for the attack when they are at their weakest... when their backs are turned."

Violetta gulped. "Sensei, isn't it a cowardly move to attack them while--"

"Do not question my teachings!" Shredder snapped, making her hardly flinch. 

"Yes, Sensei..." Vi replied quietly. "I win their trust." She repeated the objective. "Then?"

Shredder walks to the countertop of his room and plucks a device up. It's a cellphone, a forbidden object to possess while living under Shredder's roof. "Take this." He handed it to her. "When you have attacked, you inform us."

"Yes, Sensei." Vi says, putting the phone into her pocket.

"You keep us notified of your every move," Shredder says, coming eye level with his daughter. "Do not fail. Do we have an understanding, daughter?"

Violetta understood, but she questioned this mission for only a split second. She wanted to impress her father and gain more respect from him than before. Vi doesn't want to be seen as the weak daughter or the one who fails. If she is to satisfy her father and earn his praise, she will do what she is told.

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