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My name is Celeste Isabelle Pettigrew. You probably never heard of me, so I'll tell you my tale.

Before I was 13, I was known was Faith Mikealson. Second daughter of the crescent moon wolf queen and the big bad hybrid. Younger twin sister of the original Tribrid. In other words I am the daughter to Hayley Marshall- Kenner and Niklaus Mikealson, sister to Hope Mikealson and Niece to Elijah, Kol, Davina, Freya, Killia, and Rebekah Mikealson.

They say parents name their children because their name means something to their parents. I never got that. They named me faith because they expected me to be like Hope, but I wasn't. I wasn't as artistic or powerful. I didn't even show signs of magic until it was to late.

Before I met my father's side of the family, I was a happy girl who was loved by both mother and sister. Then Hope started showing signs of having magic, Hayley started to pay less and less time with me. She started to have thoughts that I was human and did the bare minimum of what a mother was to do with her child when it came to me. When it came to Hope, she did everything in her power to make the more powerful Tribrid happy. Soon I slowly became a shell of who I once was. I stopped doing things that Hope and me did together and became a different person. It just got worse then Hayley woke Klaus and his family up.

Hayley told them that I was human, and for awhile (-actually only a couple of months) I believed it.

When I was 7 and soon turning 8, something called the hallow wanted hope for her power. The Mikealsons nearly traded me for hope's place. But Indua, the hallow's true name, refused to take me. But at night, after getting yelled at by everyone about how useless I was, she visited me and told/showed me who I true was.

My family took back New Orleans and Klaus was king and Hayley saved her pack.

I slowly unlocked my abilities and soon I was more powerful then all of the Mikealsons. Now, did I tell the Mikealsons? No, I did not. They would only use me for my power. Around my 13th birthday, I overheard Hayley and Klaus talking with the rest of them. Yes even hope was there. They planned to 'kidnap' me in my sleep and drop me off at some random woods or in Africa, seeing how useless I was being a human in a family full of supernaturals.

I didn't bother to stay. So with my magic I packed all my clothes, grimiors/spell books, weapons and some of my money. How do I have money? Easy, I earned it through labor around town. I climbed out the window and jumped on the rooftops doing park-core. Once I was just on the outside of the city, I saw Indua again. She taught me a spell I can only use once in my lifetime. I spell that I could use to travel to another world.

Without a second thought I left the world I was born into and went to a different world.

The thing though was that the year was 1973. After a month of living in the streets I got noticed by a women in her 30's. She took me in and gave me what Hayley stopped doing once she started to think that I was human. She gave me a mother's love and affection. I even had a brother, his name was Peter. He warmed up to me fast, and soon I started to go to Hogwarts. A boarding school for Merlin-core witches. I was sorted into Ravenclaw, the house of the witty and intelligent.

I got along with pretty much everyone. With the exception of James Potter, one of Peter's friends and this Molly girl. I didn't see what my brother saw in him, he was annoying, he never stopped chasing after this one girl, Lily Evans, he constantly pulled pranks that could seriously harm someone. (No pun intended) For that Molly girl, she was really controlling and was almost always screaming. At first I thought she was a Banshee but after getting a wiff of her scent I just concluded that she was just a fuel person.

Not even a week in school did I also found out a lot of things.
1) The headmaster was a manipulative old goat who was more controlling than Molly Prewett (soon to be Weasley)
2) Remus, Peter's friend was a werewolf who was constantly in pain when he shifts
3) There were something called Purebloods, halfbloods and muggleborns. When people asked my my blood Status I just told them that I didn't know because my birth grandmother was a witch but it skipped my birth father, and my birth mother was unknown.
And finally, my most favorite thing that I found out,
4) Sirius and Remus were gay for each other.

Let's say I loved this world and I don't regret coming here.

Around when me and Peter were 16, I finally told him about my birth family. Who they were, what they were, how they treated me, what I was, and other things. I thought he was going to abandon me but he stayed and I was and still am forever grateful for having him as my brother.

Soon I found out the Regulus, Sirius's little brother, was a death eater. I don't have anything against them, some of them are just trying to survive in a world in what people thought that some were dark and some where light. Anyway, I found out that he was going to try and destroy something called a horcrux. Now Regulus was actually one of my closest friends in Slytherin, so I didn't let him go alone. After a month of doing some research I found out of information about horcuxes and I helped him destroy one. Regulus was close with his leader and they acted like brothers at times. But he found out that the horcruxes were slowly making his 'lord' lose his humanity and sanity. Making him into a cruel and evil person.

Sounds like my birth family.

I gave some of my blood to Regulus just in case something were to happen. Everything was going according to our plan but these things ended up getting him and started to drown him. I tried to save him but they won and he started to drown. I used some of my secret powers to bring him back to land. I was to late. Regulus woke a few minutes later and I told him what was going on. When he asked if he could have a few days to think about it, I told him he only has a day before he is dead for real.

In the end, Regulus was the first person I turned. The wizarding world thought he was dead, killed by some random wizard or witch. When in reality he was living in one of my cabins that I built.

From there on, My life got a big change. After graduation Peter and the rest of his friends became athurs. One day, Remus and Sirius showed up at my door and I had to turn Remus in order to save him. I explained things to sirius and then Remus when he woke up. Remus was now a hybrid and soon after Sirius asked to be turned so Remus wouldn't have to go through with his new bloodlust alone.

Not even 5 months later Bellatrix showed up at my door and I found out that her father married her off to the more volient lestrange brothers. He tried to rape her but she put up a fight so he sent more then one curse at her. I turned Bellatrix and killed her husband. After I killed Bella's husband I awaken my wolf curse. It hurt a lot, but after I phased I felt free. Remus ended up running with me.

Later in the year 1980 I found out that James married Lily and they had a beautiful baby boy who they named Harry after Lily's grandfather. But a year later, the dark lord tried and failed to kill all three of the Potters. But at the cost that Harry will never be a big brother.

I met the boy multiple times but he was more like James. Snotty, Arrogant and Reckless.

Apparently Peter was the secret keeper to the Potters and because he sold them out, he was going to get sent to Azkaban. So I made up a plan. Sire Peter, make the athors believe that I killed him and thanks to this messed up world I won't get in trouble, finish siring Peter and He can live with me, Sirius, Remus and Regulus. Sirius and Remus broke off their friendship from James. In their words, "He isn't the goofy, protective and loyal friend we met on the train".

I actually have at least 5 cottages, 3 big muggle mansions, and 2 manors. I don't use the manors often, they were always to big and to spacey for my taste. Reminded me of the days when I was a Mikealson and completely alone.

Anyway that's my past, but this story isn't about my past.
It's about my present and future.

Let's begin in the year 1994.

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