chapter forty three

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sooae's pov

after a few hours at the beach, me and wonwoo decided to go to a mall.

"wonwoo, let's go to the shoe store, shall we?" i said while dragging him with me.

i then saw a very beautiful pink and blue coloured shoes which is a matching shoes. i took it and told wonwoo to try it on him.

"it's beautiful, right?" i asked.

he nodded. "let's buy this and wear it at the school festival later?" i asked again.

"okay, but, let me pay this for you since i didn't get to give you anything on your birthday before."


jeonghan's pov

i looked at those shoes that i bought one day before i broke up with sooae. it's a matching shoes which is blue and pink coloured.

i was thinking to give the pink one to sooae as my last gift for her before we broke up but i didn't get a chance to. also, i've never expected she's the one that asked for our break up.

honestly, i do feel sad after knowing that she's with wonwoo, her ex boyfriend once again. but, i don't like her. i know.

i'm just feeling sad because i'll be lonely after this and i'm feeling guilty because i've hurt her too much.

"should i wear this later? at the school festival? people wouldn't know that this thing came in a pair with a pink shoes, right?" i asked myself because i've never wore this before.

suddenly, someone knocked at my door room. i opened it just to see my mum, holding a familiar box on her hand.

"i was cleaning this house when i saw this. is this yours?" my mum asked.

"yes, it is. thank you," i said before i took it amd closed the door.

i've never opened this box before since i forgot about it's existence.

"isn't this the box that sooae gave me on my birthday?"

when i opened it, i was shocked with the inside which is a bunch of polaroids with our pictures on it. it was the pictures that we took on her birthday party. i've never realised how precious sooae was.

she is kind, and everything but i was dumb and i'm scared that i might have to leave her one day to achieve my dreams if we stay together so that's why i avoid falling in love with her.

while looking at the pictures there is these two pictures that caught my intention.

one is a picture of me sleeping, she definitely took this while i was not looking. and the other one, is a picture of me while i had a long hair.

there's something written at the bottom of it.

the day i fell in love with him 💗

author's pov

who can predict that simple sentence will make him thinking about her the whole night and he can't even sleep?

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