The sleep over

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I cant believe it our first sleep over like an actual sleep over i say full of excitement 

Yeah i agree especially since he is the richest person here Kai said 

What does that have to do with any thing? I say

I dont know just like pointing it out kai said shrugging 

As we finish packing our mum calls us down

Yes mum? We ask

I want you both to behave at mr Garmadons house understood? She says

Yes mum we replied 

Good now hurry along mr Garmadon will be here soon 

*Knock knock* 

Or right now she says opening the door

Oh you must be Lloyd my mum says 

My heart starts beating again 

Hello Mrs smith Lloyd says with a cheerful tone

Let me get the kids for you KAI NYA YOUR FRIEND IS HERE! she yelled

Would you like anything to eat dear? She asks

Im good but thanks for the offer though He says smiling 

Our pleaser she says

Hi Lloyd kai says appearing from his room 

Hey bud he says giving him a fist bump

Hey Lloyd i say happily 

Hey Nya how have you been? He asked me

I start to blush again 

Umm not to bad i say trying to hid my blush

Okay well run along you three and dont cause trouble for mr Garmadon she yelled down the hall 

We walk down to the ground floor kai is listening to music while im walking down with Lloyd

Your mums nice i heard Lloyd say 

Yeah she is I replied 

So how have you liked living here? He asked me 

Well its okay i mean our dads at work for most of the day so we dont get to see him as much but i mean its fine i say

Well it looks like were on the bottom floor Lloyd says 

Kai already leaves the building and heads towards the car leaving me and Lloyd 

Sorry about kai hes super excited and he forgets things or people when listening to music I say 

Its all good, just means i get to have a conversation with someone i enjoy hanging out with Lloyd says 

You like me being around? I asked instantly blushing 

Yeah, your nice, smart, and most of all carefree he says smiling as he opens the door for me

Thanks i say 

No problem he replies as he sits next to us 

As we drive off towards Lloyds house i keep thinking about him, hes just so kind and sweet from the first day we meet, i have honestly have a crush on him, no denying it but he probably doesnt feel the same way, i think he just sees me as a friend 

Were here i heard the driver say

Lloyd gets up and opens the door for us 

I stay back while kid heads inside to meet the others 

Why didnt you go in? Lloyd asked 

Cause i dont like the thought of you doing things without being thanked i say 

Oh you dont have to do that i love helping my friends Lloyd said

We head inside and enter my room where everyone was at

Good to see you all made it Lloyd said to everyone

We wouldnt miss it for the world Skylor said

None of us would Morro said 

Alright so im going to be showing you all your rooms follow me Lloyd said 

Alright first room goes to Jay and Morro 

Second room is for Zane PIXAL Kai and Skylor 

Thrid room is for Cole cause i know you feel better sleeping alone 

Thanks bud Cole said 

And Nya i say 

We ran out of room so you'll be sleeping in my room and i will take the couch i say to Nya

What no this is your room you should have it Nya said

Nya i can assure its fine i say

No its not she says

Just then were told its time for dinner and we eat it was burgers with fries and Coke which was delicious as always, after dinner the other go play in the basement while i help my mum with the dishes 

You need anymore help? Nya asked 

Sure if you want sweetie Misako says

She helps me dry and we head down to the arcade and play some games before we were told to go to bed

Alright Nya the beds ready for you and a couch with ma name on it I say

Uh no i will take the couch you take the bed she says

Nya its fine i can take the couch i mean it i say 

Well if im having the bed you sharing it with me she says 

Nya grabs my arm and drags me to the bed she lays herself on the wall side and me on the edge side

I start to blush like mad i have never been this close to a girl in my life well not someone i cared for i start to feel my heart bump faster as she puts her arm around me sleeping 

Do i have feelings for Nya? 

I turn and see he sleeping really close to my face infact i try to move again but she has a grip on me

I sigh and close my eyes to get some sleep but find it hard when Nya breathes land on me 

I blush again but mange to finally get some shut eye but one thing lays in my mind

Do i have a crush on Nya?

Nya meets Lloyd part 1 dark shadows (lloya ship)Where stories live. Discover now