First kiss

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Lloyd POV

Its been weeks since i was taken into hospital and they say i need to stay for awhile before they give me the all clear, my family and friends have been coming over to make sure im okay and that no one was going to harm me im my sleep

They did it one at a time and this time it was with Kai one of my best friends 

Hey bud got you some soup sorry it was all they could give you for now kai said giving me the bowl 

Its okay kai im just thankful my friends are here i say

Yeah i would be too he said sitting down 

Yeah, i have to ask hows Nya? I said

Shes been better after you second near death she has been in her room crying her eyes out and it sucks he says looking down

Man saying that makes me feel sad i say looking down at my soup

Dont worry shes meant to be keeping an eye of you for longer cause she needs you kai said

Really when? I asked excitedly 

Calm down cowboy you'll see your 'girlfriend' soon kai said teasing

Haha kai very funny she just a friend i say

Yeah thats what they all say kai said

We sit there quietly eating my soup until i finish 

Okay Lloyd you need rest kai said

Seriously?! I asked

Well yeah doctors orders kai said

Fine good night kai i say

Night bud

12 hours later

I wake up and see kais gone probably went to the toilet when i hear him outside 

Okay just dont be ruff hes still recovering from his kidnapping kai said

Okay okay jeez i heard someone else say

The door opens and i see Nya and she looked beautiful she wore a blue dress the had water logos on it and it was stunning just looking at her

Hey Lloyd Nya said sadly still recovering 

Hey... Wow that dress looks amazing on you i say 

Oh this, its pretty old infact its my mothers she says 

Well it looks good on you i say blushing 

T-thanks Lloyd she says blushing 

Anyways how school? I asked trying to change the subject 

Its okay your farther tracked down Shade and hes been put into kryptarion prison for assault his family has also been sued for his abuse and torture too nya said

Well thats good i say

Yeah she said sitting down on the chair

Honestly im thankful hes gone cause well he was going to do something to you if you refused to go out with him and now that hes gone i have a chance to do what i wanted to do for awhile i say

And that is? Nya asked

I move alittle for her so she could sit on the bed aswell 

Okay now what were you say-

I cut her off by placing a kiss on her cheek 

She started blushing and looked at me

I blushed back know what i did 

Sorry I wasn't think i just thought i just i try to say

I hear giggling next to me

Lloyd you silly guy she said giggling 

Hey Nya i say

Yeah Lloyd? She says

Would you... i dont know maybe go out with me sometime? I say

Nya giggling keeps going 

Im guessing that a no? I say

She stops giggling and looks at me causing me to blush 


What are you doing? i ask

She cups my cheeks and gives me a kiss on the lips 

Of course i would Nya said

I blushed harder 

Nya starts giggling again

Your adorable Lloyd Garmadon 

And your beautiful i say

We lean in for another kiss when


The others came in 

Congratulations for Ninjagos newest couple Morro said 

We knew you could do it Cole said 

Good job bro Jay said

Proud of you man Kai said 

The new new couple whos next kai and Skylor? Zane joked 

Girl you finally did it Skylor exclaimed 

Guess we should call you Lloya now PIXAL said 

Well if i didnt know better it would seem my son has got himself a girlfriend now my dad said

Dad you were in on this? I say

Sorry son but when they told me about Nyas blushing i just had to join in he said

Argh i sighed 

Well it wasnt a total bust Nya said

We will leave you guys be Morro said pushing everyone out of the room

Remember Lloyd use a condom Garmadon said

Dad were to young for sex! I said blushing embarrassed 

Whatever you say your two friends have done it already Garmadon said

Kai did you have sex seriously?! Nya yelled 

What mum and dad did it at the same age kai said 

My family is a bunch of perverts Nya said covering her head 

Well i mean we dont have to do it yet Lloyd said 

Yeah rushing into these things isnt a good idea Nya said

We may not have sex but doesnt mean i cant kiss you adorable face I say

I love you Lloyd Garmadon 

She looked shocked about what she said 

I love you too Nya Smith i say giving her a passionate kiss on the lips 

Something tells me this is going to be a wonderful relationship i say

Meanwhile in kryptarion prison

Sir the prison escaped! Guard 1 said

Which one? The warden said

The new one the guard said again 

Oh this is bad this is really bad the warden said 

Lets just hope there ready and hope that Wu has taught them there powers or else we are doomed in the shadows 

Nya meets Lloyd part 1 dark shadows (lloya ship)Where stories live. Discover now