Go. To. Sleep.

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This is another cutesy, filler story, the next one is a better one!


For some reason, ever since Elliot was little, he was not fond of his Uncle. He didn't hate him, but he just didn't want to be nice to him, or really be around him that much. Theseus and Elliot's father, Newt, didn't mind it all that much, they found it funny. Like what was said before, Elliot didn't hate his Uncle Theseus. One time, one of his father's creatures frightened him. Theseus was closest to him, so he jumped, and held onto him. However, as soon as he realized it was his Uncle he was holding onto, he instantly went to find his father.

Elliot always preferred his father over other people. He still did, even to this day. Newt and Theseus always thought this was the reason why the child didn't like to spend all of his time with his Uncle. However, when newt and Theseus met two other wizards, and a muggle, who they became friends with, that theory was quickly proven wrong. Elliot liked one of the witches, Queenie, and did like to play with her. He, however, didn't like her sister, Tina, one bit. So maybe he just didn't like siblings. Although, as time went on, Elliot started to get better and better with his Uncle. One thing that was for sure, Elliot could be very stubborn, which very well could be a reason why he, and his Uncle, butt heads so often.

The year before, Elliot and his father had Christmas dinner with Theseus, at their house. Elliot was only 7, so he still went to bed quite early. Now this year, Theseus had Christmas dinner with his brother and nephew at their house once again. Although this year, they were joined by their friends Tina, her sister Queenie, and her partner Jacob.

At this point, Elliot was 'banned' from the kitchen after he 'helped,' make some food. The 8-year-old really did try and think he was helping, but in actuality, he just put a little bit too much nutmeg in the candied yams. He was currently in the living room with his father, Uncle, and Jacob. The child was more than excited about dinner and had a ton of pent-up energy That he just had to get out. Although he loved to play with his father, right now he wanted to play jungle gym. And oh did Newt hate jungle gym.

Elliot giggled to himself as he slowly climbed onto the couch his Uncle was sitting on. Newt sat on the opposite side, the two facing each other. Jacob was standing. Newt kept looking at his son from his brother, keeping a close eye on him.

The small child continued to laugh to himself, stepping onto the Auror's leg, and held himself up on his shoulder. Before he could do anything else, the three heard someone from the other room call out and say that dinner was ready. Elliot suddenly gasped, and pushed himself over the taller's shoulder with his hands, and off his leg with his little, bare feet. Ell simply climbed over the back of the couch and fell down to the floor.

"Bug-" Newt simply watched as the child hopped up, and ran into the kitchen. He normally didn't let him act like this, but there was so much going on, he knew it was a lot, and quite overwhelming for him. Newt looked over at his brother, who just laugh softly. By that point, Jacob was already in the dining room, getting ready to eat. The two got up and made their way into the other room, to see the 8-year-old holding onto the side of the table, jumping up and down.

"Food, food, food, food-" He paused, seeing his dad. "Daddy!" he giggled, jumping up once again.

"Come on love, get in your seat for me." Everyone got settled in and started to pass the food around. It took a little coaxing from Newt to get Elliot to start to eat, but when he did, everyone enjoyed a beautiful dinner. Afterward, they all made their way to the living room. Elliot, of course, was the first one in the room. He waited for his Uncle to sit down, and resumed his game of Jungle Gym.

"Bug, settle down, you just ate. Come over here, okay?" Newt smiled softly, holding his arms out for his son. The boy stopped what he was doing and huffed, contemplating his choices for a moment. He slowly squeezed behind the Auror on the couch and plopped himself in his father's lap with a little huff. He just sighed, leaving his back against the older. Newt chuckled and placed a kiss on the little's head, wrapping an arm around him before talking to his brother and friends.

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