Chapter 1

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(Trent's POV)
I am on my way into my fiancé job to pick her up since she needed a ride back to our apartment. "Oh tent your here for luna. She'll be out in a moment. She's with a student." A secretary says as I walk into the building. "No problem." I say waiting for my fiancé to come out. A few moments later my fiancé walks out with her bag. "Trent!" She says excitedly and runs to me attacking me in a hug and kisses me. I hold her and kiss her then pull away and hand her flowers. "Aww thank you. Ready to go?" She asks taking them and smiles happily. "Yep lets go." I say gently taking her hand and lead her outside to my bike. She smiles and hops on behind me putting her helmet on then wraps her arms around me once I take the flowers from her. "Lets go." I say securing the flowers and put my helmet on. She smiles and wraps her arms around my waist. I drive off to our apartment. We arrive at our apartment ten minutes later and head inside. "You ready for dinner with dad tonight?" She asks walking in and setting the keys down. "Yeah. He was there for me in the toughest part of my life." I say smiling and sit taking my shoes off. "He's been there for a lot of people. You hungry?" She asks heading to the kitchen. "I am. What are you thinking of making?" I ask walking into the kitchen. "Something light because mom will have a huge feast for us waiting." She says starting to make something. I smile and kiss her head before going to get ready for dinner. "Lunch is ready." She calls a few minutes later. I walk out changed and grab a plate then sit and eat. "While you eat I'm going to shower." She says walking out. I let her and eat enjoying the food she made as she showers. "Hey Trent!" She calls from the bedroom. "Yeah love what is it?" I ask walking towards the room. "Can you call mom?" She asks. "Sure. Why though?" I ask walking in. "I'm not feeling to well." She says looking at me from the floor. "Is everything okay?" I ask kneeling next to her. "I just feel sick all of a sudden." She says lay her head on my shoulder. I feel her head and see she has a fever and is white as a ghost. "Alright I'll call Alex and let her know we aren't coming. Get dressed and go crawl into bed okay." I say stroking her damp hair out her face seeing she was still wrapped in a towel before standing up and going to call her mother. "Hello?" Alex answers. "Hey Alex its Trent. So Luna and I are not going to be able to make it to dinner. Luna is not feeling well. She got sick all of a sudden." I say. "Is she okay? Does she need anything?" She asks. "No I think I got it." I say hearing her in the bathroom throwing up. "Alright. Call me if you need anything." She says. "I will bye Alex." I say hanging up and go to her. My fiancé comes out a few minutes later and sits down on the bed. "Lets see if you have a fever." I say checking her out. She lets me and sighs. "I'm sorry." She says sadly. "Sorry for what love?" I ask looking at her as I finish. "For ruining our night." She says sadly. "Don't be sorry love. You can't help that you got sick." I say rubbing her back and help her put her hair up and out of her face. "I know but mom was looking forward to seeing us. Even dad." She says sadly. "I know honey, why don't you try and get some rest. I'll check on you in a bit." I say seeing her face. "Okay." She says nodding and lays down curling up under the covers and falls asleep tired. I let her sleep and cover her before leaving the room and going to fix something warm for her.

A few hours later I go and check on her and see her shivering uncontrollably under the covers and sweating while gripping her side in pain. "Love wake up. Wake up for me honey." I say kneeling next to her and shake her awake. "Trent?" She asks shivering and looks at me. "Honey your temperature is through the roof. We are going to the doctors now." I say scooping her up and carry her to her car and get her in before getting in myself and driving off to the hospital. "It hurts." She says in pain and holds her side tightly. "I know love I know. We are almost there. Try and stay still." I say driving and hold her hand. She just lays there and groans in pain. I arrive at the hospital and rush her inside quickly and watch her get taken back while I fill out paper work and call her parents. Two hours later I am sat in the waiting room not knowing what was wrong or what was going on. "Trent?" I heard Walker say coming over to me. "Walker hey. Hi Alex." I say standing up. "What's wrong with my baby?" Alex asks. "I don't know I heard nothing since she got taken back." I say looking at them. "Malloy?" I hear a nurse asks as she walks out looking for me. "That's me. Is my fiancé alright?" I ask going to her. "She is fine. She had apendicties and we had to take care of it. Surgery went well and she is recovering nicely." She says. "Can we see her?" I ask looking at her. "Of course. She is in room 435. She is still a bit groggy and sore though so please no questions." She says smiling. I walk quickly to the room with walker and Alex following me. "Luna?" Alex asks walking in. "Mmmmm?" She mutters opening her eyes slowly. "Hey, how you feeling Nitika?" Walker asks walking over to her. "I'm tired daddy." She says yawning and blinks. "I know love just rest. I'll be here when you wake up." I say kissing her head softly. "Okay." She says falling back to sleep. "We can stay with her if you want Trent?" Alex asks. "No I got it. However walker can you fill in for me?" I ask looking at him. "Of course Trent." He says nodding. "Thanks I wouldn't trust anyone else with the kids." I say looking at him. "Anytime. Do you need anything?" He asks. "No I think I'm good now." I say sitting down next to her and gently hold my fiancés hand. "Alright call us if you need anything." Walker says leaving. "Will do." I say looking at him then back at my fiancé.

Trent MalloyWhere stories live. Discover now