Chapter 1 'Enter: Amari Tsuji!'

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"Team 10, Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka," "What was that about how you feel bad for who ever is on my team, huh Ino?" "I'm doomed..."

"Choji Akimichi," Ino sulked and sunk in her seat some more. 'Not food boy too!!!'

"And Amari Tsuji." Iruka finished listing off the members of team 10. 'She's just as lazy as Shikamaru...' Ino sighed and rested her head on her elbow. 'But I guess it's better off this way than me being the only girl on this team.'

"You are so taking me and Choji out for lunch tomorrow." Amari said, smirking at the slightly shocked Shikamaru."I'm gonna go broke... what a drag."

Though he wouldn't admit it, the young Nara was secretly very happy that he lost the bet.

"Excuse me, Iruka Sensei! Why are there four people on team ten?!" A confused Ino had shouted across the room, not exactly liking the people she was paired up with.

"Well Ino, since there are extra students this year, some teams might have four people instead of three. If you don't like it... well it doesn't really matter, lord hokage assigned certain people on each team, and I have trust that he knows what he was doing."

"Just my luck..." Ino mumbled sinking down in her seat even more (if that was even possible at this point).

After Iruka Sensei finished listing off the teams, everyone went out to have lunch with their newly assigned hellmates- err I mean teammates.

As they all sat down, of course the smug Amari just had to mention a certain something to Choji. "Hey Choji guess what!" Choji, who was already on his second bag of chips looked at the sort-of short girl. "What's up Amari?" "Shikamaru is treating us out for lunch tomorrow! That means all you can eat cause' we're not paying! Free BBQ!" Amari went on cheering to Choji, who was suddenly interested in what she had to say, more than the bag of chips he was eating.

"Man, you must have some kind of effect on Shikamaru if you convinced him to treat us! You should really teach me whatever magic powers you have!" Choji exclaimed in astonishment... before becoming interested in his bag of chips once more. Amari blushed slightly, but not enough to where it was noticeable.

"Ehh... it was just a bet to see what teams we would be on. I wouldn't say i have an 'effect' on him, heh heh..." Amari said looking down at the ground, shuffling her foot around in small circles. Just then Shikamaru caught up with the two, now standing beside both of them.

"*nom nom* Hey Shikamaru, can't wait for lunch tomorrow! *nom nom*" Shikamaru sighed and looked to the young Tsuji girl. "You already told him? What a drag." "Hey I had to tell him at some point! It wouldn't exactly be a treat if you were only buying me lunch and not Choji, now would it?" Amari said, going back to her smug self. The lazy Nara just rolled his eyes "I guess not."

"So I hear someones being treated to lunch? Is Shikamaru finally taking Amari out on a date?" Ino came and slipped into the conversation. Shikamaru and Amari both blushed and looked away from each other. "Of course not! What would give you that idea?! Besides it was a bet, Choji's coming too. In fact, why don't you tag along with us Ino? Shika's paying anyway!" Amari exclaimed trying to keep the topic from getting all lovey dovey and awkward.

"Wait hold up that wasn't apart of the bet! I can barely treat-" "I'd love to go with you guys, but I'm on a diet, gotta look good for my Sasuke-kun! I can't be out done by that billboard brow!" Ino interrupted, mentally fuming at the fact Sakura was on the same team as Sasuke.

The four genin then continued to walk, trying to find a place to sit and eat.



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