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" You better be ready to leave fleur! " my mum exclaimed while I was finishing applying my makeup.

" Yeah just a sec! " I sigh as I finish, putting my mascara back in my makeup bag and getting up from my desk. I make my way downstairs grabbing my bag on the way down, I put my trainers on and go into the living room.

" Alright I'm ready, I'm going now, " I say looking at her, noticing she isn't even listening due to the distraction of the tv. I sigh and walk out the living room, opening the front door and walking out. First day back at Hartley high and I already wanna go back home even though I only just left the house.

I make my way towards the entrance, staring at the building in front of me while I take my headphones out. It was massive but it looked cool. I look around, catching new faces while I head inside. I find the way to my first class, entering the room and making my way to my seat. I notice who I'm sitting next to. Anthony Vaughn. Usually people just call him Ant but sometimes I call him by his name to annoy him. I sit down and put my bag down, hearing a pst to my right. I roll my eyes knowing exactly who it was. I turn my head to him, facing him.
" hi Ant " I say looking at him while he stares back.
" hey Fleur, how was your holidays? " he says in a whisper since the class had just started.
" It was good I guess? I didn't really do anything though. What about you? " I say before facing forwards again, not wanting to get told off on the first day back. He continues facing me.
" you're so boring fleur. Mine was alright, went to a few parties. " he says laughing. I was never the type to go out a lot, especially parties. I glance at him and roll my eyes, turning back to the front again.


I pick up my bag while getting up from my seat. We just got told we have a last minute assembly now, apparently it's important? I don't know but I heard something going on, something about a map or some shit. Oh well, I'll find out either way. I head towards the gym and I feel a presence beside me. I turn my head and look at Ant, he looks back.
" What do you reckon it's about? We usually don't have assemblies so last minute. " I ask, eager to know the answer.
" you haven't heard? There was a massive sex map found! No one knows who did it though. It's really odd though, just knowing everything about people's sex lives. " he says, making me laugh once I heard the name ' sex map '.
" really? I can't believe it. " I say, shaking my head while laughing. We finally made it into the gym and everyone took a seat. I take a seat next to Darren, one of my best friends along with Quinni. I say hi to them both and then face forwards, since the assembly is starting.
" The reputation is everything and this map has jeopardised your reputations and the reputation of our school. We're currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on this map and have strongly suggested that there are to be no more parties, shindigs. " Miss Woods announces, making everyone, including me, groan and shout in disappointment. Miss Woods shouts over everyone.
" Hey! Hey! Unsupervised parties equals alcohol. Alcohol equals poor choices! And the risk taking behaviours outlined on this map are unacceptable. " Everyone quiets down and listens.
" Hartley High prides itself on being a safe environment. " She says, making Darren laugh.
" But clearly this is a wake up call that we are not doing enough. Oh, and we will find out who did this. Get to class. " Miss Wood finishes, saying go repeatable times for the teenagers to all get up. I pick up my bag and stand up, making my way out and heading back to my next class.

[ 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 💀 ]

I find Darren and Quinni leaning against the brick wall near the entrance of the school, I walk over to them and smile.
" heyy, how are you both?? " I say looking at them both. They look at me and smile.
" hey hey, we're good! " Quinni says smiling while hugging me. I obviously hug her back and smile, I look at Darren and give them a hug too.
" I still can't believe about the map. It's insane! " I say laughing.
" I know right, I've even got a photo of the map, with all the names and everything. Darren says while getting their phone out, showing me the photo. I look at all the names and Ant catches my eye. I look at Darren and laugh shocked.
" You gave Ant a wristy?! Oh my god Darren " I say laughing even more. Darren puts their hand over my mouth to shut me up.
" We never speak of it. Never. " They say clearly annoyed. They take their hand off my mouth and I hold my laugh in. Darren puts their phone back in their bag while I look around, noticing a few people whose name was on the map. I notice Quinni looking at me a lot.
" Are you alright Quin? " I say, curious. She realises she's staring and smiles.
" uh yeah sorry I just.... What's a ' lazy kebab '? " she bursts out eagerly. I look at Darren and I give them a look, a look to tell them to tell her because I don't wanna be put in this situation right now. They look at Quinni and say,
" it means giant flaps. " Quinni looks at Darren confused
" flaps? " Quinni asks, making Darren look her up and down trying to make her realise what their sentence meant. Quinni finally realised and says,
" oh! Like those sorts of flaps. " She pauses and then continues. " But spider hasn't seen them. I mean nobody has. " Darren buts in and says,
" who know what he was thinking? Straight men are a mystery to me. " they say looking at Quinni and then to me. We walk around for a bit and then Quinni breaks the silence, she slaps Darren's arm and looks at them.
" You can look at them. " making Darren choke on their marshmallow.
" what? " Darren says shocked, looking at Quinni. She continues,
" my..... flaps " Darren shoves the rest of the marshmallow in his mouth and says,
" deeply, no. " making Quinni look at me in hope and I shake my head, making me feeling bad. She frowns and then turns back to Darren.
" Okay, but what if they are huge? " making Darren roll his eyes.
" who cares? More room to put things in it " They say, making me laugh but still disgusted by what they just said. Our conversation was interrupted by Miss woods,
" Will the following students please meet at classroom 5D: Amerie Wadia, Harper McLean, Sasha So, Missy Beckett, Dustin Reid, Spencer White, Anthony Vaughn, " she pauses, making a bit of time for Darren to make a comment.
" sounds like a bunch of dickheads. " Darren says, Miss woods continues
" Darren Rivers, " making Darren pause.
" Damn it "
" Quinn Gallagher-Jones, Fleur Baker, Douglas Piggott and Malakai Mitchell. " Miss Woods finishes, making Quinni quietly yell a ' what? ', while I stand their confused. We all look at each other and sigh, making our way to room 5D. Darren makes another comment,
" Hell here we come. " making me and Quinni laugh.

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