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Me, Quinni and Darren make our way inside the room, looking around catching familiar faces. We all took a seat and I notice Ant on the table next mine. What caught my attention was what spider was doing. He was trying to get Ameries attention by calling her some nickname.
" ' Map bitch! ' ' Map bitch! ' " he repeats, whistling after like she's some type of dog. I look at him.
" pack it in spider, you're such a dick. " I say, rolling my eyes and facing the front again. He turns to me and pretends to be offended.
" how about you mind your own business. " he says, rolling his eyes. I look at him again and laugh.
" I could literally hear you from here! And I'm on the opposite side of the room from you. " I say laughing more. ' such a dick. ' I think to myself, looking forward once again. I zone out for a bit but Darren's voice catches my attention.
" Oi, uh, what's the cemetery? " They ask, looking towards spiders table that had Ant, Dusty and a girl I recognise but I don't know her name. Spider looks towards Darren and rolls his eyes.
" None ya biz, bong water. " Darren makes a sad face, pretending to be sad and then rolls their eyes, facing forwards again.
" Hi, everyone. I'm Miss Josephine Obah, but you can call me Jojo. Kind of like, " Yo-yo," but J. " Miss Obah says, laughing while looking around hoping for laughter. A few pretend to laugh to make her feel better. She clears her throat and continues.
" I'm an English teacher, so I know a few of you. But I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here......Well, you're names were on the map. " Some guy puts his hand up.
" Uh, what map? " he asks, making everyone laugh including Miss Obah.
" Okay, very funny. " He looks around confused but puts his hand down, feeling a bit embarrassed.
" Look, peeps, we're not dumb. We know a lot of you guys are sexually active. But we are concerned this map demonstrates a lack of respect for each other when it comes to sexual relationship. So, we want to address it head on. So this is a special lesson that aims to give you clear and accessible information about sex and intimacy- " Miss Obah continues but gets interrupted by Miss Woods, elaborating what Miss Obah meant,
" A sexual literacy tutorial. "  making everyone say ' what? ' to each other.
" SLT. So we're sluts? " Darren says beside me, making everyone laugh and chatter. Spider and Ant stand up, making sexual movements with each other, spider repeating the word ' sluts! ' a few times before the teacher stops them.
" That's enough. Come on. " Spider and Ant finally sit down and Miss Obah continues.
" This class will go back to the basics on sex and- " But Miss Woods interrupts again,
" Because clearly, you all have a lot to learn in THAT department. " she says, making the ' that ' sound louder. Miss Obah continues,
" It'll happen twice a week, ....IN your own time. " making everyone groan and exclaiming ' what? ' across the class room. Miss Obah talks over the chatter,
" No, until we judge that you started to respect each other and yourselves, and you have to attend every lesson or it will go on your permanent record. "
" Wait, we have permanent records? " Ant says annoyed, looking to Dusty and then spider. Miss exclaims,
" This is sex jail! " I look behind me and see Ant throwing a paper ball at Ameries head,
" Thanks a lot Map bitch! " Miss Woods obviously notices this and shouts an ' Oi! ' at Ant, making him sit down. I zone out for a bit while the guy from earlier explains why he shouldn't be here. I get interrupted by Miss Woods,
" All right everybody up! " everyone still sat in their places, making Miss Woods say ' up! ' repeatedly. Everyone gets up and moves the tables to the sides of the room, along with the chairs. Miss Woods continues again, telling us what we're doing,
" Thank you. Now I want you all to start walking around the room. " everyone starts walking around, I keep near Darren and Quinni. I walk near Ant and he notices, taking my hand and kissing it, after shaking it and walking away again. I laugh and keep on walking around. I obviously shake hands with Darren and Quinni. I look around noticing everyone avoiding Amerie. I honestly felt bad for her but what she did was really messed up. Miss Woods told us to all stop walking.
" Spencer. you have genital crabs. " making everyone laugh, Darren decides to make a comment,
" Checks out. " making me and Quinni laugh more. Miss Woods takes notice of Darren's comment and says,
" Not in real life! Thank you, Darren for the purposes of this game. " Darren looks over at spider and raises their eyebrows at him, making spider scrunch up his face and face forward again.
" Put your hand up, Spencer.... Hand up! " Spider hesitates but puts his hand up eventually. " Now. Hands up, who shook hands with Spencer? " Ant and Dusty put up their hands. " And who shook hands with them? " making Ant look at me and I look back, I put my hand up, as well as Sasha, Harper and another guy. " And who shook hands with them? " and by the end of it everyone had their hand up except Amerie. " You all have genital crabs. Miss Woods looks towards Amerie and says, " except for you Amerie, well done. " I look towards her and she looks around a bit sad, I knew it wasn't because she doesn't have genital crabs obviously, its because she knew why no one shook her hand. It was because of the map. I felt bad for her really. Miss Woods continues, " Now what does this highlight the need for? " Douglas speaks up,
" To stay away from spider he chat. " making everyone laugh again, angering spider,
" fuck off guys! " Miss woods interrupts again,
" No. Condoms! " the bell rings and everyone goes to collect their things, putting their stuff in their bag. I hear someone calling my name from behind me and see Dusty. I look at him confused and gestures for me to come over. I stand up and walk over to him.
" what do you want?? " I say curious. He shows me his phone, having a photo of the map. He points to my name.
" it has your name there. There's like a gold line
between yours and Ants name. Did you both hook up? " he says looking at me, nudging me while laughing. My face turns red a bit and I slap his forearm.
" No. we didn't so shut up. " i say, Spider interrupting,
" Gold line means destined. Yeah like destined to be. " he grabs Ant by his arm and drags him beside him, putting his arm around him.
" She wants you, Ant. " making Ant look at me confused.
" Huh? " Ant says, making me rolls my eyes at spider.
" shut up spider. He's talking shit Ant, I'm gonna go cya. " I go back to the table I was on before, picking up my bag and heading out the classroom.
' that was so embarrassing! '

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