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Alex pov:

I woke up just to find my self in Grays bed comletly naked with Gray sleeping next to me. What was i even thinking!? Well,theres not much i can do about it now. God,i sometimes do really wonder whats wrong with me. I mean,cmon really? Gray!? Why him!? I got up and got dressed. I was in the kitchen making coffee for me and Gray. I was still thinking about evrything i did and how much of a supid dumbass i am. I MEAN WHY TF DID I DO THAT!? AND WHY GRAY OUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE ON THIS DISGUSTING PLANET!? Not 5 min after,i heard foot steps from upstairs. It was none other than Gray. When i turned around,he looked at me with conceren in his eyes.


"Whats wrong,darling"?

"Oh nothing, i just look really grumpy when i get up"

"God,youre a terrible liar"


"It dosent matter, i just want to know"!

"I already said im fine! God,why do you have to be so caring"!?

"Im cosnerd Alex, most people jugje them self in stuff like this. Oh and also im taking that as a complent"

"Ofcorse you are..."

"Alex...come here"

Gray pov:

I made sure to say that in an angry tone. Alex dosent want to fight so he will do as i say. Ofcorse im not a monster,i would never do stuff like that! When he came close,i hugged him very tight. He just hugged me back and rested his head on my shoulder in silence while i comfort him. When the coffee was done we both sat in the living room. I was still thinking about if i should tell my fans or not. Alex noticed and asked me about it

"Now youre the one that looks werd! Whats on your mind"?

"Well,i dont know if i should tell my fans about this...what do you think"?

"Well, do you feel comfortible with telling anyone"?

"I mean..yes...maybe? I dont really know..."

"Give yourself some time,Gray! When you know you want to tell them then you do it! Rember you gotta be 100% sure you want this"

"Okay,thanks darling"

As i said,i saw that Alex was very flusterd. Maybe he likes it when i call him "darling". Il make sure to do that more! I cant wait for us to act like a couple! I been denying the fact i like him but thank godnes i realized it. Looking back at it now,i rember feeling stupid i kissed him at that party but if you think about,that party is the whole reson why im here now. I guess bad things can change for the greater good.

You Can Be The "Gray" For My "Still Plays" (;Where stories live. Discover now