
404 8 12

Word count: 2.5k

Enjoy and happy reading! <3

"So you'll be over around 6:00?" Steve questioned on the other side of the line.
"Yeah, how's she doing?" I had agreed to visit Max in the hospital, I felt so bad for what she had went through, I wanted nothing more than to be there for her.
"Eh, shes alright. Still in in a coma, doctors don't know when she'll wake up. Or, I guess... if." Poor Max.
"Don't say that, she will wake up. She'll be ok. I can't even believe she's not here right now, it feels like I must be imagining this. I feel terrible." I truly did feel horrible, we were best friends and I wasn't there when she was going through this. I didn't even know...
"Hey, don't blame yourslef, Y/n. It was an accident, you were in no way involved." Steve attemped to soothe, but it wouldn't work. It would never work.
"Exactly, that's the problem. I should've been there for her, Steve."
"Hey, you didn't know. Shes gonna be ok, alright. She'll make it."

"And what if she doesn't?" I asked, absolutely horrified that I would never see her again.
"She will."
"You can't say that!" The guilty tears stung in my eyes. I should've been there for her, I wasn't there when she needed me.
"You're right, I can't. But I can say that she's strong, she can fight through this." He reassured.
"Yeah, ok. I'll be by at 6:00." I said, trying to end the conversation as quickly as possible.
"Alright, I'll see you then. Bye, Y/n!"

"Mhm, bye." I hung the phone up before sliding my back down the wall. I was so scared, I should've been there to help her, maybe if I was this wouldn't have happened. It was all my fault. Silent sobs came out of my mouth as tears fell down my face. I wiped them from my eyes and cheeks as I glanced up at the clock, 4:39pm, just enough time to get ready before heading to the hospital. I stood back to my feet, wiping my eyes a little more with my sleeve, then walking into the bathroom to take a shower. I usually like showers, but I hated this one. It was long and agonizing, I barely had the strength to stand. I felt nervous and guilty. I could've visited Max days ago, but I couldn't stand to see her like that, I needed to make sure I'd be ready. But today was the day, I couldn't put it off anymore, it was happening. I'd known Max since forever, since she moved to Hawkins. We became really close, and she started looking up to me, like a big sister.
It was comforting the way the water ran down my body. It was like a gentle hug, reassuring me that everything would be alright. I hurried and got out of the shower, quickly brushing my wet hair. I checked the time again, 5:12pm, the time could not be going slower. I watched the clock for another 10 minutes, watching the seconds slowly tick by. 5:23pm. I got myself dressed in a pair of pale grey sweatpants and a shirt Max gave me when we first met, it still smelled like her, it made me feel so much comfort. I'm not sure how I'll manage seeing her in the state she's currently in, but I knew I needed to see her. It's the least I could do. Walking over to the mirror, I stared at myself for what felt like forever, attempting to give myself the courage to get through this. Time was passing by quicker, my procrastination wasn't helping me out here. I slipped my shoes on, grabbed my keys, and swung out the door and over to my car.

Living in such a small town like Hawkins, there was never much traffic, so I got to the hospital rather quickly.

Pulling into a parking spot and putting my car into park, I sat for a moment to breath. More tears stung my eyes, threatening to spill over. I took a deep breath, praying I would be able to do this, and then I exited the car and walked into the building.

"Hi ma'am, how may I help you?" Asked the lady at the front desk.
"Oh, um hi. I'm just visiting a friend, Max Mayfield?" I smiled while I walked up to the desk.
"Ah, yes. Floor 3, room 225." She smiled while opening a drawer and grabbing something out of it. She leaned over and handed me a visitors pass, smiling once again.
"Thank you." I smiled back at her and headed for the elevator. The goddamn elevator.

Eddie Munson - One Shots, and Imagines.Where stories live. Discover now