My feelings hidden on me?

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It's hard to talk about my feelings when they're hidding inside me and they come out when my mind starts thinkking about it all. Sometimes when bad states come I can't even tell what my mind is thinking about. I 'm an introvert, but not everyone knows it right awey. I 'm scared to trust people or even make new contakt with people. So many people have playing, hurt me and lied long to my face that is hard trust againg. She's differentcharmed me so much it's indescribable. Just like she charmed me a few years ago, it was like the first day I saw her - My heart was instantly flushed with that old love and it was even stronger. I got a little stuck in my younger years and I'm now turning twenty. In my childhood I was up for it was the only kid in the famely with no dad and almost no famely love. I prefer to be alone I've been a loner since I was a kid. She made my life became better of her. Five years is an awfuly long time for a person, but nothing has changed for us. Our love has remained deep within us.

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