A person with discipline has greater results

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Whoever said that one cannot change from one day to the next does not have a strong character or discipline. Just focus your mind on whether the life you are living now is a great success not only for yourself but for the people you care about. A person who wants to be better will one day focus so much that he can improve to change his path but he will never change his goal but the way to get there not for speed but to make a proper impact and have more success. When a person is not happy with his path and what he has failed to do it can destroy him but at the same time put him on his feet so that he will have more discipline over what he did wrong and change it into results.

You have to accept that you make mistakes but you want to change them. Any failure can also positively affect our path to discipline and awareness.

Any pain can make a person feel that it has destroyed him but in time he will say that it could have made him stronger and maybe put him on the right track.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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