Me and the Prize {Chapter 16}

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Elena's POV

Did I just tell him to kiss me? I don't know what came over me, but I craved for him to kiss me at that moment. It's like in those cliche movies where the guy and girl go at it and then they kiss. We had that moment.

Did I like Zayn?

There were so many things going on in my head. I could only imagine how confused Zayn was.

But he kissed me.

He went for it and he kissed me.

And suddenly, I stopped over-thinking things for once and I enjoyed the moment before it was gone.

Zayn wrapped his hand around my waist and I felt chills go up my spine.

Why did he make me feel like this.

We looked into each others eyes. We were both processing what had just happened. Zayn was out of breath."Wow." A word finally left his mouth.

Wow was correct.

"Like I said, you drive me insane Elena." He added. I bit my lip absentmindedly, and I bet my cheeks were as red as a tomato.

I let out a chuckle, laying my forehead on his chest in embarrassment. "Pick your head up, babe." Zayn laughed at me and I stayed silent.

Zayn frowns, "Well aren't you going to say something?" He asks.

I looked up at him. "Wow." I said. A smile crept up his face.


Zayn's POV

Tyler held in his laughter as he completely finished sketching the mustache that he had drawn with sharpie on Elena's face.

"That's not cool bro." I laughed. She was sound asleep. She looked so adorable even with the mustache Tyler had drawn on her face. She didn't realize a thing. She was out-cold.

"Sssshh." He whispered.

Elena's eyes fluttered open. She flinched when the first thing she woke up to was Tyler with a sharpie marker near her face. "What the hell?" She said in confusion. "What are you doing Ty?" She whined, pulling a pillow over her face.

Tyler's face was red, he tried so hard to keep in his laughter until we both gave up and busted into laughter. Removing the pillow from her face. "I guess I can't sleep, huh?" She got up from bed and walked towards the washroom.

We waited...

Three seconds later...

"Tyler! Zayn! You assholes!" She screamed from the bathroom. Tyler was rolling on the bed, laughing.

"Hey, it wasn't me, babe. It was all Tyler." I said, walking into the bathroom.

She looked in the mirror and cringed, "I look horrible." She laughed at herself. That was one thing I liked about her; she didn't take herself too seriously.

"You look beautiful, as always." I said. She smiled.

"Awww." Tyler said, leaning against the door frame of the bathroom. Oh, he's still here.

Elena went out of the bathroom and we followed. She grabbed her phone from the night stand and her eyes literally bulged out of her sockets. "Crap." She muttered.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"I have to go. I'm going to be late." She said, pacing towards her closet, searching through her clothes.

"Where are you going?" Tyler asked before I could. She's leaving? I thought we could hang out today, but I guess not.

"Matt wants to meet up."


My jaw tightened, and I clenched my fists absentmindedly. Tyler put a hand on my shoulder, signaling that I should keep my mouth shut.

Elena ran into the bathroom to get ready to see Matt James.

My competitor.

My enemy.

The person who stood between me and the prize.

-Author's Note-

Hi! Sorry I took a long time to update! Finals are coming up and I've been studying my butt off! I'll try my best to update as often as I can!


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