Kidnap (and Rape?)

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((I just want to say that a lot of the characters in this will be OOC... sorry! I already know that France will be, and there will be more too. HIS REAL CHARACTER IS NOT THIS PERVY! Also, I will be using human names and country names interchangeably, at least in the 2nd chapter. If you have any questions, just ask. In this chapter, the dialogue is all actually spoken in Japanese, cause most of the im@s characters are failures at english. Kay, so I'll just let you read the story now...))

A timid, mousey-brown haired girl trudged down the shadowy alley, laden with bags, on her way from the agency back to her home. She was exhausted from her many events from that day, and a bit scared of the dark street. "There's no one here to hurt me. No scary perverted men or huge frightening dogs are waiting to get me! I'll be fine! I wish Makoto-chan were here to protect me... or even Producer-san." She muttered, glancing around. 

Suddenly, a hand reached out and grabbed her mouth, muffling her scream. She dropped her bags, the contents spilling everywhere. A sharp pain resounded through her head, and she crumpled under the impact, the world fading to black.


Three excited girls hurried along a young man, two of them giggling and squealing, and the other looking a bit less serious than usual. "Makoto-kun! Honey! Chihaya! Hurry!" A bright, blond named Miki cried, dragging her companions forward. The girls were being taken out to dinner by the man called "Honey" as congratulations on a successful audition.

 The foursome sat down and ordered their food. The black haired, boyish Makoto ordered squid sushi. The deep blue haired, serious Chihaya asked for a glass of water and ramen. The tall, black haired, bespectacled "Honey", whose real name was Producer, ordered the same, and Chihaya glared at him for copying her. Miki ordered onigiri, as usual.

When they had finished their meal, Producer got up to pay the bill, leaving the idols to talk amongst themselves. A few seconds after he left, Makoto happened to look up at the opposite wall. She gasped at the figure behind Miki. A shocked look, which mimicked her own, were on the other two girls' faces. She whirled around and saw them behind her and Chihaya too. A gag was tied roughly around her mouth, and she was hit on the head with something. She felt dizzy, but didn't pass out, unlike Chihaya and Miki. She went into ninja mode, kicking and punching and flailing. She was hit a second time, and new she couldn't hold out much longer. Then she felt something collide with her chest. She yelped, covering herself with her arms and tearing off her gag. "WAAA! IT'S CUNNING, ATTACKING SUCH A PLACE!" She yelped, knowing she was beaten. They pinned her arms behind her back, and she sighed, still unable to get a good look at them. Never a waiter around when you need em, eh? She was carried to a car and shoved into the back seat along with the two other girls and three of their attackers. The one holding her tied her hands and feet, and blindfolded and re-gagged her before she could think to look at their face.

Producer went back to the table to find it empty. Thinking that they must have gone outside, he ran out, calling their names. He saw a car pulling out of the car park, and decided to follow it, stealing a random car which happened to have the keys still in the engine and be full of gas.


 A short, young redhead by the name of Yayoi skipped happily into the agency with her pretty brunette best friend, Iori. Behind them came a pair of slightly older,  more raucous brunettes. They were identical except for their hair. The one on the right, Ami, had short hair in a high ponytail, swept towards the right side, making her comparable to a pineapple, whilst the one on the right, Mami, had much longer hair in a lower side ponytail on the left. Last, walked three people: a dominating bespectacled brunette by the name of Ritsuko, A large-chested, air-headed girl with blue-hair called Azusa, and an emerald green-haired woman named Kotori. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2013 ⏰

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